Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana). El Torno, Cáceres. Javier Prieta.A list of the most notable records in Extremadura in April 2011, most taken from the GOCE birdwatching forum. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo. -
Barnacle Goose: one bird at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 24/04 (Godfried Schreur, Martin Kelsey).
Egyptian Goose: possibly the same bird seen at two ponds in Oliva de Plasencia (Cáceres): at Valverdejo on 11/04 and at Fresnedillas on 14/04 (Ricardo Montero).
Garganey: one drake at Galisteo Lake(Cáceres) on 5/04 (Sergio Mayordomo).
Red Crested Pochard:
possible breeding; 5 drakes and one female at a small reservoir in northern Badajoz on 24/04 (Ángel Sánchez and Ángel Luis Sánchez).
Glossy Ibis: 2 at Montijo Reservoir (Badajoz) on 3/04 (Jesús Solana).
Grey Heron: colony with 185 nests on the island of Borbollón Reservoir(Cáceres) on 12/04 (Jes·s Montero, Javier Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Osprey: single birds on passage at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 2/04 (César Clemente and Javier Mahillo), 6/04 (G. Schreur) and 30/04 (José Guerra and Marc Gálvez). One bird at River Tiétar, Valdeíñigos (Cáceres) on 2/04 (Pepe Guisado and Pilar Goñi). On 7/04 one bird at Casas de Belvís (Cáceres) (C. Clemente) and another at Campo Lugar (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey). One at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 20/04 (G. Schreur).
Long-Legged Buzzard (
rarity; pending acceptance): one bird at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres) on 3/04 (Stephen Daly) and 2 adults at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 24/04 (Javier Esteban).
Goshawk: single birds at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 2/04 (Eva Palacios, Jesús Porras and S. Mayordomo), 9/04 (S. Mayordomo) and 27/04 (M. Kelsey). One at Monfragüe on 14/04 (Juan José Díaz).
Montagu's Harrier: melanistic bird at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 5/04 (R. Montero).
Purple Swamphen: first record for Talaván Reservoir (Cáceres): one bird on 30/04 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
Baillon's Crake: one bird at River Gargáligas on 8/04 (J. Muddeman) and on 13/04; on the latter occasion another Baillon's Crake or Little Crake was seen nearby (Steve Fletcher).
Lapwing: 2 pairs at Galisteo Lake (Cáceres) on 5/04 (S. Mayordomo), 3 birds on 12/04 (J. Prieta) and one on 15/04 (S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Brozas (Cáceres) on 6/04 (Á. Sánchez). Single birds at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 7/04 and 12/04 (M. Kelsey). Ten pairs at La Albuera (Badajoz) on 18/04 (Á. Sánchez and J. Fernández).
Kentish Plover: 2 birds at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 8/04 (John Muddeman), 8 on 12/04 and 2 on 21/04 (Martin Kelsey).
Curlew: one bird at Montijo Reservoir (Badajoz) on 3/04 (Jesús Solana).
Bar-Tailed Godwit: female in summer plumage at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 21/04 (M. Kelsey).
Great Snipe (
rarity; pending acceptance): first record for Extremadura: 3 birds at Madrigalejo (Cáceres) on 1/04 (Roberto Cabo, Uwe George).
Spotted Redshank: one at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 24/04 (G. Schreur and M. Kelsey).
Wood Sandpiper: one bird at Galisteo Lake (Cáceres) on 5/04 (S. Mayordomo) and two on 12/04 (J. Prieta).
Curlew Sandpiper: 2 at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 8/04 (J. Muddeman).
Temminck's Stint: one at Galisteo Lake (Cáceres) on 22/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Common Tern: 4 birds at Sierra Brava Reservoir(Cáceres) on 8/04 (J. Muddeman).
Black Tern: one at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 21/04 (M. Kelsey) and 5 at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 23/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Whiskered Tern: summer plumaged bird at River Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz) on 2/04 (M. Kelsey). 8 birds in breeding plumage at Valdesequera (Badajoz) on 9/04 (Á. L. Sánchez). 12 birds at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 12/04 (M. Kelsey). 15 at La Albuera (Badajoz) on 18/04 (Á. Sánchez and J. Fernández). Several at the lakes of Torremejía (Badajoz) on 21/04 (Á. Sánchez). On 23/04 8 birds were seen at Arroyoconejos Reservoir(Badajoz) (Antonio Núñez), several at the Roman Bridge of Mérida (Badajoz) (Á. Sánchez) and one at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Long-Eared Owl: adult with 2 fledgling chicks at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 3/04 (D. Langlois, J. Muddeman and S. Langlois). One seen on an island of Borbollón Reservoir (Cáceres) on 12/04 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). One bird heard at Valcorchero, Plasencia (Cáceres) on 13/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo) and another at Montehermoso (Cáceres) on 18/04 (C. Clemente and J. Mahillo).
Short-Eared Owl: one bird at Campiña Sur (Badajoz) on 23/04 (A. Núñez).
Wryneck: at least one bird seen and heard at Villanueva de la Vera throughout the whole of April, with a peak of 3 on 16/04 (Dave Langlois and Sammy Langlois). Two males singing at Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres) on 10/04 (J. Prieta).
Bearded Tit: single birds at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 3/04 and 8/04 and two on 23/04 (M. Kelsey).
Iberian Chiffchaff: one bird at Valdecañas Reservoir(Cáceres) on 8/04 and another at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 24/04 (M. Kelsey).
Grasshopper Warbler: one bird at Valcorchero, Plasencia (Cáceres) on 13/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo), another at River Guadiana, Badajoz, on 15/04 (J. C. Paniagua) and another at Plasencia Reservoir(Cáceres) on 22/04 (J. Prieta).
Sedge Warbler: one bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 3/04 (José Antonio López and Óscar Llama). Single birds at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 5/04 (S. Mayordomo) and 12/04 (J. Prieta). One bird in a wheat field at Campo Lugar (Cáceres) on 7/04 (M. Kelsey). One bird at River Gargáligas, Vegas Altas (Badajoz), on 8/04 (J. Muddeman). One bird at River Guadiana, Badajoz, on 14/04 and two on 23/04 (J. C. Paniagua). One bird in an oats field at Torrequemada (Cáceres) on 15/04 (S. Mayordomo).
Moustached Warbler: One bird at River Guadiana, Puente Viejo, Badajoz, on 2/04 (J. C. Paniagua).
Garden Warbler: 2 birds at Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 12/04 (M. Kelsey). At Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres), one bird on 16/04 and 17/04 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois). One bird at Valdastillas (Cáceres) on 27/04 (J. Prieta).
Ring Ouzel: one bird at Los Canchales Reservoir(Badajoz) on 6/04 (J. Muddeman).
Whinchat: 2 males at Casatejada (Cáceres) on 7/04 (J. Prieta). On 8/04 3 females and one male were seen at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) and 4 males at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres) (S. Mayordomo). One bird at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 9/04 and another at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey). One male at Oliva de Plasencia (Cáceres) on 14/04 (R. Montero). One male at Cáceres on 18/04 (S. Mayordomo). Ten birds between Almendralejo, Hinojosa and Ribera del Fresno (Badajoz) on 21/04 (Á. Sánchez). One female at Mirandilla (Badajoz) on 27/04 (J. Ledo). Two birds at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 28/04 (M. Kelsey).
-Tawny Pipit: 5 birds at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 4/04 (M. Kelsey). 4 birds at Brozas (Cáceres) on 6/04 (Á. Sánchez). On 8/04 one bird at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) (S. Mayordomo), another at Arrocampo (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey) and another at Trujillo (Cáceres) (J. Muddeman). On 9/04, 2 birds at Acehúche (Cáceres) (Iván Solana) and one at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey). At Cáceres 3 birds on 16/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo) and 5 on 18/04 (S. Mayordomo). On 28/04, 2 at Valdesalor, Cáceres, (S. Mayordomo) and another at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey).
-Honey Buzzard: one bird at Grimaldo, Cañaveral (Cáceres), on 15/04 (Raúl Guzmán) and one on passage over Plasencia on 28/04 (J. Prieta).
-Hobby: one bird at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 15/04 (S. Mayordomo) and another at Villanueva de la Vera on 16/04 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois).
-Little Tern: 2 birds at Badajoz on 23/04 (J. C. Paniagua), another 2 at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 24/04 (G. Schreur and M. Kelsey) and another 2 at Cornalvo (Badajoz) on 26/04 (José Ledo).
-Gull-Billed Tern: 30 at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 7/04 (M. Kelsey) and over 40 on 8/04 (J. Muddeman).
-Turtle Dove: one bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 14/04 (M. Kelsey). On 17/04 one was seen at Santa Cruz de Paniagua (Cáceres) (J. C. Paniagua) and another at Belvís de Monroy (Cáceres) (G. Schreur).
-White-Rumped Swift: one at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 27/04 (M. Kelsey) and several on 29/04 (R. Montero).
-European Nightjar: one singing at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 26/04 (D. Langlois).
-Red-Necked Nightjar: one at Pago de San Clemente, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 10/04 (M. Kelsey) and another at Serrejón (Cáceres) on 12/04 (Manuel García).
-Golden Oriole: 2 birds at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 11/04 (S. Langlois) and three on 13/04 (D. Langlois). One bird at Casas del Castañar (Cáceres) on 13/04 (J. Prieta).
-Melodious Warbler: One bird at Casas de Hitos (Badajoz) on 8/04 (J. Muddeman) and another at Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres) on 10/04 (J. Prieta).
-Whitethroat: birds on passage: one at Mérida (Badajoz) on 6/04 (J. Muddeman) and two at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres)on 8/04 (S. Mayordomo). In breeding habitat: 2 males at Piornal (Cáceres) on 8/04 (J. Prieta).
-Spectacled Warbler: on 5/04 one bird was seen at Piornal (Cáceres) (J. Prieta) and two at Jaraicejo (Cáceres) (J. Muddeman). Two birds at Jaraicejo (Cáceres) on 10/04 (M. Kelsey). One male at Cáceres on 18/04 (S. Mayordomo).
-Rock Thrush: 12 birds on passage in the central sierras of Badajoz on 16/04 (Á. Sánchez). In breeding habitat: one bird at Garganta la Olla (Cáceres) on 20/04 (G. Schreur).
-Spotted Flycatcher: present at Montehermoso (Cáceres) on 29/04 (C. Clemente).
-Pied Flycatcher: birds on passage: one male at Mérida (Badajoz) on 6/04 (J. Muddeman). Another at Parque del Príncipe, Cáceres on 10/04 (R. Montero). In breeding habitat: one male at Garganta la Olla (Cáceres) on 15/04 (J. Prieta) and 10 territorial males at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 23/04 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois).
-Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin: on 28/04 3 pairs were seen at Montehermoso (Cáceres) (J. Mahillo) and one bird at Ahigal (Cáceres) (R. Montero).
-Redstart: one female at Campo Lugar (Cáceres) on 7/04 and one male at Cabañas del Castillo (Cáceres) on 10/04 (M. Kelsey). One male singing at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 14/04 (D. Langlois). Another at La Codosera (Badajoz) on 16/04 (G. Schreur). One pair at Santa Cruz de Paniagua (Cáceres) on 17/04 (J. C. Paniagua). Two males at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 23/04 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois).
-Ortolan Bunting: one bird at Piornal (Cáceres) on 15/04 (J. Prieta). One bird at Garganta la Olla (Cáceres) on 20/04 (G. Schreur). One bird on passage at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 25/04 (M. Kelsey).
-Wigeon: pair at Sierra Brava Reservoir(Cáceres) on 8/04 (J. Muddeman).
-Pintail: pair at Sierra Brava Reservoir(Cáceres) on 24/04 (G. Schreur).
-Teal: pair at Galisteo Lake(Cáceres) on 12/04 (J. Prieta).
-Hen Harrier: one bird at Badajoz on 18/04 (Á. Sánchez and J. Fernández) and one bird at Talaván (Cáceres) on 21/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). Breeding cannot be ruled out.
-Crane: one bird at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) on 1/04 (Alberto Pacheco). One bird at Arrocampo Reservoir (Cáceres) on 8/04 (M. Kelsey). One bird flying with difficulty on the island of Borbollón Reservoir (Cáceres) on 12/04 (J. Montero, J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). One juvenile at Dehesa Boyal of Talaván on 21/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo) and on 24/04 (J. Esteban).
-Snipe: one bird at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 12/04 (M. Kelsey), three at Galisteo Lake (Cáceres) on 15/04 (S. Mayordomo) and one bird at Riolobos (Cáceres) on 22/04 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
-Chiffchaff: one male singing on the island of Borbollón Reservoir(Cáceres) on 12/04 (J. Montero, J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
-Wheatear: two females at Llanos de Cáceres on 28/04 (S. Mayordomo).
-Meadow Pipit: 5 birds at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 7/04 (J. Prieta). 6 at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 8/04 and three at Torreorgaz (Cáceres) on 14/04 (S. Mayordomo).
-Reed Bunting: one female at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 3/04 (J. A. López and O. Llama).