Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). Sierra de San Pedro. By Pedro Schreur.
List of the most interesting records sent to the GOCE forum during October 2012. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo.
Egyptian Goose. Present for the whole of October at the embalse del Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), were between 8 and 11 individuals (William Haworth, Sergio Mayordomo, Manuel García del Rey, Javier Mahillo, Emilio Peña, Eva Palacios and César Clemente).
Shelduck: The same individual seen throughout September was at the charca de Morantes (BA) (Pablo Herrador) on 19/10 .
Red Crested Pochard: At El Manantío-Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), various examples were seen on 06/10 (Liz Snell) and 2 males on14/10 (Jesús Solana). At the embalse del Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), one male was seen on 18/10 and 19/10 (E. Peña). At Los Canchales (BA) 2 males on 20/10 and 27/10 (Elvira del Viejo and Antonia Cangas). One male at the charca de La Isla, Logrosán (CC), on 28/10 (S. Mayordomo and J. Mahillo).
Ferruginous Duck: At El Manantío-Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), 4 individuals were seen on 06/10 (L. Snell), one on 14/10 (J. Solana) and 6 on 25/10 (Manolo Iglesias). One male was at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 28/10 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey, J. Mahillo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente).
Common Quail: 4 at Alange (BA) on 20/10 (Vanessa de Alba, Francisco Montaño and Antonio Núñez).
Black-necked Grebe: At the embalse de Orellana (BA) 20 individuals on 04/10 (Ángel Luis Sánchez) and 30 on 17/10 (Francisco Rodríguez and Á. L. Sánchez).
Common Flamingo: Thirteen at los arrozales de Gargáligas, Don Benito (BA), on 14/10 (V. de Alba, Manuel J. Salguero -photo- and A. Núñez).
Glossy Ibis. One at the rice fields between Palazuelo and Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 11/10 (Juan Pablo Prieto). At the embalse de Arrocampo (CC), one on 12/10 (Marc Gálvez and José Guerra) and 14/10 (S. Mayordomo, Samuel Langlois, M. García del Rey and Dave Langlois).
Bittern. One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 11/10 (Rafael Vicente).
Squacco Heron: On the Guadiana river at badajoz several individuals on 06/10 (SEO-Badajoz) and 2 on 20/10 (M. Gálvez, Juan Carlos Paniagua and J. Guerra). One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 13/10 (Mercedes Rodríguez and Juan Carlos Salgado).
Great White Egret: 26 in a mixed roost with Cattle Egrets at embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 14/10 (S. Mayordomo, S. Langlois, M. García del Rey and D. Langlois).
Reef Egret/Little Egret hybrid: One at embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 18/10 (José Manuel Castrillo and Fernando García Crego).
Cormorant: A leucistic individual at gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 29/10 (Javier Prieta -photo-).
Osprey: One at the embalse del Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), one on 13/10 yand 2 on 19/10 (E. Peña) and 23/10 (W. Haworth). One at el Azud del Guadiana, Badajoz, on 14/10 (Atanasio Fernández).
Ruppell's Vulture: An immature at Mojón Gordo, Aldea del Cano (CC), on 12/10 (S. Molano).
Goshawk: At Alía (CC), One on 07/10 (Noelia Baeza and Jorge Ángel Herrera) and another in a Chestnut on 31/10 (N. Baeza, J. Á. Herrera and Jaime Cerezo). One at the canal de Las Dehesas (BA) on 09/10 (Á. L. Sánchez).
Avocet: One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), one on 20/10 (J. Solana, Francisco Lopo, Francisco Castro, Marisa y Manolo) and 30/10 (J. Vázquez, J. Solana, F. Montaño and A. Núñez). One at theel embalse de Casas de Don Antonio (CC) on 23/10 (M. Iglesias).
Grey Plover: One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 27/10 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas) and 30/10 (J. Vázquez, J. Solana, F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
Kentish Plover: One at the rice fields near Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 04/10 (J. P. Prieto).
Spotted Redshank: In the rice fields between Palazuelo and Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) 12 individuals on 04/10 and 5 on 11/10 (J. P. Prieto). One at the laguna de Los Gañanés, Guijo de Coria (CC), on 12/10 (S. Mayordomo). 142 in the rice fields at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 27/10 (F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
Turnstone: One in the rice fields at Palazuelo (BA) on 27/10 (J. P. Prieto and Antonio Mendoza).
Wood Sandpiper: One at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) between 01/10 and 23/10 (S. Mayordomo y J. Prieta). In the rice fields between Palazuelo and Puebla de Alcollarín (BA), 2 on 04/10 and 5 on 11/10 (J. P. Prieto).
Sanderling: One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 30/10 (J. Vázquez, J. Solana, F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
Curlew Sandpiper: A juvenile at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 02/10 and another 2 at the embalse del Borbollón (CC) on 12/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Yellow-legged Gull: One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 11/10 (R. Vicente). One at the weir in Mérida (BA) on 18/10 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). 2 at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 21/10 (Vicente Risco and Javier Briz).
Black Tern: Three individuals at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Short-eared Owl: One at the embalse de Talaván (CC) on 19/10 (Mathieu Bourgeois). One being harrassed by magpies st the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 27/10 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas).
Monk Parakeet: A probable escapee at Villanueva de la Serena (BA) on 08/10, 09/10 and 10/10 (Justo M. García).
Green Woodpecker : Six individuals near the dolmen de Lácara, La Nava de Santiago (BA), on 21/10 (P. Herrador).
Wryneck: At the riverwalk by the río Jerte in Plasencia (CC), 2 on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo) and one on 10/10 (J. Prieta), 11/10 (S. Mayordomo) and 31/10 (Ricardo Montero). One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 21/10 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). One at the río Guadiana in Badajoz on 28/10 (Emilio Costillo).
Bearded Tit: Four at thel embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 21/10 (M. Gálvez on J. Guerra).
Grasshopper Warbler: One at the river walk by the río Jerte in Plasencia (CC) on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Fieldfare: One in Monfragüe (CC) on 09/10 (Óscar Díaz and Jose María Jiménez).
Rock Thrush: A juvenile male caught and ringed at sierra de Magacela (BA) on 02/10 (GIA-Extremadura).
Tree Pipit: One at the embalse del Jerte, Casas del Castañar (CC), on 01/10 (J. Prieta).
Yellow-crowned Bishop: One at the rice fields at Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) on 19/10 (P. Herrador).
Pied Wagtail: At least 3 at the gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 27/10 (S. Mayordomo).
First post breeding sightings
Greylag Goose: On 23/10, one at the embalse de Portaje (CC) (S. Mayordomo), 7 at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), and about 50 at the embalse de Sierra Brava, Zorita (CC) (M. Kelsey). El 24/10 a large passage group was seen near Trujillo (CC) (Jesús Porras) and a group of 12 flying over the city of Badajoz (F. Lopo).
Merlin: One at La Haba (BA) on 13/10 (Francisco J. Morcillo). One at Galisteo (CC) on 16/10 (S. Mayordomo). One at Los Cerralbos, Trujillo (CC), on 19/10 (Martin Kelsey).
Common Crane: On 15/10 one was seen at Los Canchales (BA) (J. Solana) and 4 at Vegas Altas (M. Gómez Calzado). Two at the embalse del Borbollón (CC) on 17/10 (Goyo Naharro and Domingo J. Cordobilla). On 31/10 18.065 were counted at la Zona Centro (CC-BA) (Manuel Gómez Calzado and José Antonio Román).
Golden Plover: Three at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 20/10 (J. Solana, F. Lopo, F. Castro, Marisa and Manolo) and 27/10 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas).
Stock Dove: Three seen drinking at the embalse del Sotillo, Monroy (CC), on 06/10 (S. Mayordomo and M. García del Rey). One at the gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 13/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Goldcrest: In pines at Piornal (CC) more than 2 were seen 2 on 26/10 (J. Prieta) and the same on 27/10 (Miguel Ángel Muñoz and E. Palacios).
Common Starling: Two at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 11/10 (R. Vicente). More than one in the park at the Isla en Plasencia (CC) on 22/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Song Thrush: One at the río Jerte in Plasencia (CC) on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo). On 13/10 more than 10 were seen at Casas del Castañar (CC) (J. F. Sánchez) and one at Valcorchero, Plasencia (CC) (S. Mayordomo).
Water Pipit: One at the embalse del Jerte, casas del Castañar (CC), on 10/10 (J. Prieta). Five at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on 16/10 (S. Mayordomo) and 35 on 29/10 (J. Prieta). Seen at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 20/10 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas).
Bullfinch: Several at La Codosera (BA) on 25/10 (Godfried Schreur). On 27/10, one at Santa Cruz de Paniagua (CC) (J. C. Paniagua) and another at puente del Cardenal, Monfragüe (CC), (J. Porras). A large passage of more than 60 at the Sierra de San Pedro (BA) on 28/10 (J. Gordillo). One at el Huerto del Ojaranzo, Monfragüe (CC), on 31/10 (S. Mayordomo, Ó. Díaz and Luis Lozano).
Reed Bunting: Two in the rice fields at El Batán (CC) on 28/10 (M. Á. Muñoz and Carlos Martín).
Last summer sightings
Purple heron: A juvenile in the rice fields at Galisteo (CC) on 07/10 (J. Prieta) and an adult at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 14/10 (S. Mayordomo, S. Langlois, M. García del Rey and D. Langlois).
Black Stork: In Monfragüe (CC), one on 05/10 (Alberto Rubio) and 07/10 (Anónimo). Six at the embalse del Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), on 12/10 (E. Peña). A juvenile at the embalse de Arroyoconejos, Llerena (BA), on 13/10 (Joaquín Vázquez, José Antonio Delgado, F. Montaño and A. Núñez). An adult at the río Alcarrache, Barcarrota (BA), on 19/10 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Two at the canal de Las Dehesas (BA) on 22/10 (E. Peña). On 27/10 2 individuals were seen at the embalse de Jarilla (CC) (S. Mayordomo, Rosa Cano and Luismi), one at the laguna de Galisteo (R. Cano y Luismi) and another at the charca de Fresnedillas, Oliva de Plasencia (CC) (Justiniano Julián).
Short-toed Eagle: One in Monfragüe (CC) on 05/10 (A. Rubio).
Black Kite: One at Mojón Gordo, Aldea del Cano (CC), on 12/10 (Sebastián Molano). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), on 20/10 (José Luis Bautista). One at La Nava de Santiago (BA) on 23/10 (Ángel Sánchez).
Egyptian Vulture: One at Cañaveral (CC) on 05/10 (Carlos Dávila).
Booted Eagle: One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 11/10 (R. Vicente). One at Quintana de la Serena (BA) on 15/10 (Agustín Sanabria). One pale morph at Montehermoso (CC) on 20/10. One at El Batán (CC) on 23/10 (R. Montero).
Hobby: Two juveniles at Villanueva de la Vera on 07/10 (Pedro Gómez). One juvenile and an adult at the puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 08/10 (Alberto Pacheco). One juvenile at the embalse de Orellana (BA) on 17/10 (F. Rodríguez and Á. L. Sánchez)
Pallid Swift: In Alange (BA) 8 individuals were seen on 10/10 (J. Solana), one on 17/10 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra), 8 on 24/10 and 4 on31/10 (J. Solana).
Red-necked Nightjar: One hit by a car at Serrejón (CC) on 13/10 (Pedro Holgado).
House Martin: On 21/10 20-25 individuals were seen at Santa Amalia (BA) (Fernando Yuste) and 10-12 individuals at Las Mestas (CC) (Francis Martín). Three with Crag Martins at Plasencia (CC) on 22/10 (S. Mayordomo). Three at Alange (BA) on 31/10 (J. Solana).
Barn Swallow: On 13/10 2 were seen at the gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), (S. Mayordomo) and were present at Hornachos (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
Red-rumped Swallow: One at Santa Amalia (BA) on 21/10 (F. Yuste). On 23/10 one was seen at Pago de San Clemente (CC) and 2 at the Plaza Mayor in Trujillo (CC) (M. Kelsey).
Willow Warbler: On 13/10 one was seen at the gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), (S. Mayordomo) and another at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) (M. Rodríguez and J. C. Salgado). One at Valcorchero, Plasencia (CC), on 26/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Garden Warbler: One at the río Jerte in Plasencia (CC) on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo). 4 at the río Guadalupejo, Alía (CC), on 06/10 (N. Baeza and J. Á. Herrera). One at Galisteo (CC) on 08/10 (S. Mayordomo). An individual at the río Matachel, Alange (BA), on 15/10 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
Whitethroat: On 01/10, one at the embalse del Jerte, Casas del Castañar (CC), (J. Prieta) and another at Galisteo (CC) (S. Mayordomo). One at the río Jerte in Plasencia (CC) on 02/10 (S. Mayordomo). One at Belén, Trujillo (CC), on 19/10 (M. Kelsey). On 20/10, one at the río Matachel, Alange (CC), (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez) yand another at the río Guadiana in Badajoz (J. C. Paniagua).
Reed Warbler: Two individuals at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on 08/10 and 3 at the gravera Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 13/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Subalpine Warbler: One at Galisteo (CC) on 01/10 (S. Mayordomo).
Spotted Flycatcher: One at the río Matachel, Alange (BA), on 20/10 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
- Pied Flycatcher: IN Plasencia (CC), one was at the río Jerte on 22/10 and another at Valcorchero on 23/10 (S. Mayordomo). One indivdual at the embalse de la Garza, Oliva de Mérida (BA), on 28/10 (Fergus Crystal and E. del Viejo).
Common Redstart: A pair at the embalse del Jerte, Plasencia (CC), on 06/10 (Montaña Domínguez). One at, Alía (CC), on 07/10 (N. Baeza and J. Á. Herrera). A female at Valcorchero, Plasencia (CC), on 13/10 (S. Mayordomo). A male in the valle del Jerte (CC) on 23/10 (José Luis Rivero -photo-). One at the embalse de la Garza, Oliva de Mérida (BA), on 28/10 (F. Crystal and E. del Viejo).
Whinchat: One in the rice fields between Palazuelo and Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 11/10 (J. P. Prieto). One at Belén, Trujillo (CC), on 19/10 (M. Kelsey). One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 27/10 (F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
Yellow Wagtail: Uone at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 20/10 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas). A male at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on 23/10 (S. Mayordomo). One at Vegas Altas on 27/10 (F. Montaño and A. Núñez).