Sunday, 30 December 2012


On December 26, 2012 a Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) was observed for the second time this year in Extremadura, and is also only the third sighting for Extremadura. The second dates from March 26, 2012 and was the subject of a separate entry in this blog, which also gave details about the presence of this rarity in Spain. This third record was made in Acedera, Badajoz, in the region of Vegas Altas. The fortunate observers were Miguel Gómez Guarín (supplier of the photographs) and Manuel Gómez Calzado, who wrote in his personal blog "Grullas veo" where you can also read of other interesting sighting, told in a very entertaining manner. In his blog, Manolo said that this same bird could have been seen on the 6th of December, although not for certain.

[NOTES. Subsequent to the publication of this post has received information from a previous observation made ​​in Madrigalejo on December 3, 2012 by Jose Manuel Vadillo. The December 30, 2012 was found by Jose Tapia and Maribel Jimenez a mixed roost with Marsh and Hen Harriers at Madrigalejo, Cáceres, where the pallid harrier sleep. Several others have observed it again in this roosting bird on 31 December 2012 and 4 and January 8, 2013 (Jose Tapia, Maribel Jimenez, Antonio Calvo, Sergio Mayordomo, César Clemente, Pepe Guisado, Pilar Goni, Lola Huerta, Mariano Martinez, José Guerra and Marc Galvez).]

Like the previous two observations in Extremadura, this one is an adult male, the plumage of which makes it easier to identify, which also suggests that the presence of immatures or females could be going unnoticed. The previous two sightings in Extremadura, both in Badajoz, were on a migratory path. The presence of Pallid Harrier winter in Iberia is recent, but increasing, and had already been predicted by some experts knowing the westward expansion of its breeding area in Europe. In the previous blog post we discussed the presence between November 2011 and January 2012 from various individuals, especially in Andalusia, but also in Gerona, Palencia and Valencia. In this winter 2012-2013 there are again sightings being reported of pallid Hrriers in Doñana and Cadiz. Luckily, Extremadura adjoins some wintering areas, so we have to be very careful and start studying the plumage of this beautiful bird.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


A white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), likely the same individual observed between 6 and 9 December in Talaván (Cáceres), has been observed on 24.12.12 in the Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (Cáceres), 27 km from the first observations. The excellent photographs shown below were taken by José Luis Rivero/Objetivo Vede. It therefore appears that the white-tailed eagle remains in the area, perhaps moving in search of food (carrion) with the large population of vultures of Monfragüe. To get an idea, in the Salto del Gitano in December and January congregate over 500 vultures every night to sleep.

[NOTES. Subsequent to the publication of this post, there are new information about this white-tailed eagle: seen the December 20, 2012 by two English tourists inside Monfragüe National Park, photographed by Luis J. Gonzalez on December 27, 2012 on the road between Torrejón el Rubio-Monroy and seen the January 8, 2013 by Ashley Saunders on Monroy, on the bridge over the River Almonte.]

Friday, 21 December 2012


Divers, or loons to Americans, are a small order of birds (Gaviformes), related to the penguins and seabirds, with only five species grouped into a genus (Gavia) and a family (Gaviidae). They are distributed in the northern hemisphere and are associated with aquatic environments, mainly in the interior during the breeding season, and in the sea out of the breeding season. No species of loon breeds in the Iberian Peninsula, where their presence is scarce in winter, being closely linked to coastal waters and appearing to be very rare inside. Despite the above, three species have been observed in Extremadura.

On December 3, 2012, a Common Loon (Gavia immer) juvenile appeared at a factory in an industrial area of Almendralejo (Badajoz), apparently wounded, as the plumage was bloodstained. Jesus Sánchez Cidoncha (photo 1) and Isabel Gonzalez Alcantara were alerted and called the AMUS recovery center in Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz), where the bird was under observation. Fortunately it didn't appear hurt and bleeding could be due to some superficial wound caused by being trapped or whilst moving. Without further ado, the day after the issue was released by AMUS (Figure 2).

It is the fourth common loon observation in Extremadura. The above dates from January 25, 2009, when Godfried Schreur (photos 3 and 4) located a juvenile while on a transect to the atlas of wintering birds. Specifically it was seen in the Charco de la Virgen in Carrión, Alburquerque (Badajoz). On the previous night there was a strong wind from the west. On the same day of observation the bird flew to the southwest, but was observed again in the same pond between 13 and 15 February (J. P. Menendez).

The remaining events are recorded in the yearbooks "Birds of Extremadura". Thus, two separate adult Common Loon were seen in Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) in March 1991 (Javier Briz) and Orellana Reservoir, Talarrubias (Badajoz), on April 15, 2008 (I. T. Escribano, Juan Gomez Navedo, José María Gutiérrez Abad and J. S. Gutiérrez / GIC-UEX). The Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica) has two records, both in the Llanos de Cáceres: a juvenile in Petit de Abajo, Arroyo de la Luz, in January 1995 (Antonio Acha) and one on the reservoir Valdesalor on January 25, 1998 (M. Ruiz and A. Acha). Finally, the red-throated diver (Gavia stellata) has been observed only once: a juvenile at Cornalvo Reservoir (Badajoz) on April 22, 2000 (J. Matute, Goyo Para and R. Sanchez Herrero).

- Prieta, J. and S.Mayordomo 2011. Birds of Extremadura. Vol 4. 2004-2008. SEO-Cáceres. Plasencia. [Download]

Thursday, 13 December 2012


On the holiday weekend between 6th and 9th of December, 2012, a juvenile White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) was observed and photographed at Talaván Reservoir (Cáceres) by Julio Gutierrez. This is the first observation of this species in Extremadura, well away from former Spanish records, making the sighting even more interesting. Unfortunately were no further sightings during the following days, and although several people visited Talaván on the 10th and 11th, the eagle has not been seen again.

The White-tailed Eagle is a large raptor which is distributed throughout the temperate and aboreal regions of Eurasia. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 pairs worldwide. In Europe it is limited to the north and east, but in the not too distant past it was also present in the Mediterranean. The last sightings date back to 1956 in Sardinia and Corsica 1968, 1975 and in 1983 in Algeria and Morocco. It was also suspected to have bred in the Peninsula and the Balearics. The European population is mainly resident, but some birds, especially immatures, move south during the winter (October to March). In parallel to the increase in the breeding population, observations in southern Europe are becoming more frequent. Thus, in the French Camargue usually about 20 birds winter.

In Spain this sighting is exceptionally far south. Multiple records are known from the 19th century, but only three from the 20th century: Castellón in 1944, Santoña (Cantabria) in 1944 and in 1953 in the Ebro Delta. The sighting at Santoña was first reported much later. In the 21th century there are at least eight records:

1 - Mallorca. December 2001-February 2002. Second winter bird. Accepted.
2 - Santoña (Cantabria). From 14/12/03 to 05/03/04. Immature. Accepted.
3 - Viana (Navarra). Ringed bird from Sweden. From 15 to 20/12/04 and unconfirmed sightings until February 2005, in Navarra, and in areas close in La Rioja and Treviño (Burgos). First winter bird . Accepted.
4 - Zudaire (Navarra). 28/12/2005. First winter bird . Accepted..
5 - Ordesa (Huesca). February 2007. In a feeding station for vultures. 1st or 2nd winter bird. Accepted.
6 - Aiguamolls de Empordà (Gerona). From 19/02/11 to 09/03/11. First winter bird. Pending acceptance.
7 - Carcastillo (Navarra). On a rubbish tip. From 03/01/12 to 08/01/12. Second winter bird. Pending acceptance.
8 - Talaván (Cáceres). From 6 to 9/12/12. First winter bird. Pending acceptance.

All observations have been in winter, between December and early March, and except for the Caceres bird, all have occurred in the northeast of the peninsular and the Balearic Islands, as shown on the map.

- De Juana, E. 2006. Aves raras de España. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona.
- Comité de Rarezas de SEO. Diversos informes. Ardeola.

Monday, 10 December 2012


A list of the most interesting observations sent to the GOCE forum in November 2012, Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo

Pink-footed Goose: One at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 02/11 (Vicente Risco and  Javier Briz), 03/11 (Sergio Mayordomo, Ricardo Montero and Eva Palacios), 11/11 (Javier Prieta) and 16/11 (R. Montero). Third for Extremadura.
Greater White-fronted Goose: At the embalse de Valdecañas (CC)  3 adults on 11/11 (Sammy Langlois, J. Prieta and Dave Langlois), a juvenile on 19/11 (César Clemente) and 2 adults and a juvenile on 23/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Bar-headed Goose: One at Vega Zarzalejos, Logrosán (CC), on 11/11 (S. Mayordomo and Luis Salguero).
Canada Goose: One atVega Zarzalejos, Logrosán (CC), on 04/11 (L. Salguero and José Ángel Sánchez). One at the lagunas de Torremejía (BA) on 24/11 (Fergus Crystal and Antonia Cangas).
Barnacle Goose: One at Vega del Haza, Malpartida de Plasencia (CC), on 19/11 (J. Prieta), 22/11 (Antolín Redondo) and 25/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Egyptian Goose: At the embalse de Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), 3 on 09/11 (S. Mayordomo) and 11/11 (Yolanda Muñoz, Teresa Laguna, S. Mayordomo, Pilar Alonso, Luis A. Rodríguez, José M. Ruiz, Jesús Mora and Alfredo Vivas).
Common Shelduck: One at Valdecañas (CC) on 23/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Ruddy Shelduck: One at the charca de Morantes (BA) on 01/11 (Pablo Herrador and José Luis Bautista) and on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 03/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios).

Red-crested Pochard: At the Manantío/Gravera Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), 2 individuals on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios) and 2 mmales on 18/11 (José Carlos López -photo-). 2 males at Los Canchales (BA) on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). At Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), a male on 09/11 (S. Mayordomo and A.Vivas), 2 males on 10/11 (Y. Muñoz, T. Laguna, S. Mayordomo, P. Alonso, L. A. Rodríguez, J. M. Ruiz, J. Mora and A. Vivas) and 7 on 25/11 (Jesús Solana). At the embalse de Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), 8 individuals on 17/11 (Martin Kelsey) and 4 on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz).
Ferruginous Duck: At Manantío/Gravera Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), one on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios) and 2 on 24/11 (J. Solana). Uone at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 09/11 (S. Mayordomo). 3 at the embalse de Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz).
Common Quail: 2 flushed by a hunter at Santa Amalia (BA) on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz).
Black-necked Grebe: One at the embalse de Villalba de los Barros (BA) on 10/11 (Vanessa de Alba, Francisco Montaño and Antonio Núñez). One at the embalse del Paredón, Campanario (BA), on 23/11 (William Haworth and Juan Pablo Prieto). One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 25/11 (J. Solana).

Common Flamingo: UA juvenile in the rice fields at Palazuelo-Campo Lugar (BA-CC) on 12/11 (Vega y Antonio Calvo).
Glossy Ibis: 25 between Torremayor and Montijo (BA) on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). 15 entering the roost at the embalse de Montijo, Mérida (BA), on 12/11 (Sergio Pérez Gil).
Great Bittern: One seen at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) on 10/11 (M. Kelsey).
Squacco Heron: In the River Guadiana in Badajoz, one on 01/11 y 03/11 (Juan Carlos Paniagua), 2 and 3 individuals on 04/11 and 10/11 (Juan Carlos Salgado), 8 on 13/11 (Atanasio Fernández) and 3 on 19/11 (Mariano Martínez). One in the rice fields of El Batán (CC) on 01/11 (S. Mayordomo). At the  embalse de Arrocampo (CC), 2 on 10/11 (M. Kelsey) and 3 on 11/11 (Cristina Delgado).
Great-white Egret: Concentrations: At the embalse de Montijo, Mérida (BA), 9 on 12/11 (S. Pérez Gil) and 24 individuals on 25/11 (Ángel Sánchez). 9 at the el embalse de Talaván (CC) on 25/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Black Stork: One at the Charco Salado, Casatejada (CC), on 06/11 (Raúl Virosta). One at the charca de Corral Alto, Zorita (CC), on 09/11 (S. Mayordomo). At the finca Solana, Herrera de Alcántara (CC), one on 12/11 and 14/11 (Antonio Galán). On 13/11 22 individuals were seen at the embalse de Orellana (BA) (Francisco Rodríguez and Ángel Luis Sánchez) and one at Vega del Haza, Malpartida de Plasencia (CC) (Raúl Sancho). One at the río Budión, Valverde de Burguillos (BA), on 19/11 (V. de Alba). At the charca de Fresnedillas, Oliva de Plasencia (CC), 4 on 19/11, one ringed in Czechoslovakia (R. Montero on J. Prieta), 2 on 21/11 (R. Montero) and a different 4 individuals, including another ringed in Czechoslovakia on 25/11 (Rubén Borrega and Pablo Núñez). One was seen flying over Torremayor (BA) on 21/11 (Francisco Lopo). 2 at the río Tiétar in Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 27/11 (Pedro Gómez).
Osprey: On  09/11 one was seen at the embalse de Gargáligas, Puebla de Alcocer-Logrosán (BA-CC) (S.Mayordomo) and a juvenile ringed in Scotland at the embalse de Gabriel y Galán (CC) (José A. Manzanedo). One at the Azud del Ruecas, Logrosán (CC), on 11/11 (Y. Muñoz, T. Laguna, S. Mayordomo, P. Alonso, L. A. Rodríguez, J. M. Ruiz, J. Mora and A. Vivas). 2 at the embalse de Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz). One at the embalse de Montijo, Mérida (BA), on 25/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Black Kite: 2 at the weir in Badajoz on 10/11 (J. C. Paniagua). One at Casatejada (CC) on 14/11 (Isabel Gallardo).
Booted Eagle: Throughout the month 1-2 pale phased individuals have been seen in Mérida (BA) (S. Pérez Gil, F. Lopo and Á. Sánchez). One pale phased at Plasencia (CC) on 02/11 (J. Prieta). One at Sierra de Fuentes (CC) on 10/11 (Javier Zalba and Felipe Holgado). One at Badajoz on 13/11 (A. Fernández). One at Galisteo (CC) on 29/11 (R. Montero).
Goshawk: At the Raña de Alía (CC), one on 01/11 and 07/11 (Noelia Baeza, Jorge Ángel Herrera and Jaime Cerezo). One at the embalse del Borbollón, Santibáñez el Alto (CC), on 20/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Lesser Kestrel: One at Navalmoral de la Mata (CC) on 06/11 (J. Briz). An adult male perched at   the charca de San Lázaro, Trujillo (CC), on 29/11 (Genaro Sánchez).
Little Bustard: 16 at Lugar Nuevo, Peraleda de la Mata (CC), on 18/11 (S. Langlois and D. Langlois).

Red-knobbed Coot: One in a group of 125 Common Coots at the embalse de Valdecañas, Bohonal de Ibor (CC), on 23/11 (S. Mayordomo -fphoto-) and on 24/11 (V. Risco, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, J. Briz and E. Palacios). Third sighting for Extremadura.
Common Avocet: On 18/11 2 were seen at Santa Amalia (BA) (SEO-Badajoz) and 4 at Palazuelo-Campo Lugar (BA-CC) (C. Clemente). 8 at the embalse de Gabriel y Galán (CC) on 30/11 (Andrés Maestre).
Kentish Plover: At the embalse de Valdecañas (CC), 20 on 11/11 (J. Prieta) and 12 on 13/11 (S. Mayordomo). 4 at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 12/11 and 17/11 (M. Kelsey). Various individuals  at Santa Amalia (BA) on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz). 5 at Palazuelo (BA) on 20/11 (W. Haworth y J. P. Prieto).
Eurasian Curlew: One at the embalse de Villanueva de los Barros (BA) on 10/11 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez). One in the rice fields at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 17/11 (M. Kelsey).
Spotted Redshank: 2 at  Lugar Nuevo, Peraleda de la Mata (CC), on 13/11 and 6 in the rice fields at El Batán (CC) on 14/11 (S. Mayordomo). One in the rice fields of Santa Amalia (BA) on 18/11 (SEO-Badajoz). 8 in the rice fields at Palazuelo (BA) on 20/11. El 25/11 and one was seen at the embalse del Sotillo, Monroy (CC), and another at the charca del Excedente, Talaván (CC) (S. Mayordomo).
Yellow-legged Gull: A third winter bird at the weir in Badajoz on 10/11 (J. C. Paniagua). An adult at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 23/11 (S. Mayordomo). 3 at the embalse de Montijo, Mérida (BA),on 25/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Stock Dove: 40 at Casas de Hitos, Madrigalejo (CC), on 15/11 (M. Kelsey).

Long-eared Owl: One at IES Zurbarán de Navalmoral de la Mata (CC) until 21/11 (V. Risco and J. Briz) and continued to the end of the month (V. Risco, M. Á. Muñoz, J. Briz, E. Palacios -photo- and C. Clemente).
Short-eared Owl: One in Cáceres harrassed by Magpies on 22/11 (Florencio Carrero)
Pallid Swift: Present at Alange (BA) on 04/11 (Elvira del Viejo, A. Cangas, Thor y Per). 2-3 in Alange (BA) between 09/11 and 29/11 (J. Solana).
Rose-ringed Parakeet: One at  Puente Vadillo, Cáceres, on 13/11 (J. L. Bautista). One at the roundabout Méridas del Mundo, Mérida, (BA) on 15/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Wryneck: One at Hernán Cortés (BA) on 02/11 (J. P. Prieto). One in Mérida (BA) on 03/11 (Á. Sánchez). One at the río Jerte en Plasencia (CC), one on 05/11 (R. Montero) and 19/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Bearded Tit: One at Arrocampo (CC) on 10/11 (M. Kelsey).
House Martin: 8 entering the roost at puente del ferrocarril en La Zarza (BA) on 10/11. One at Alange (BA) on 14/11 and 22/11 (J. Solana).
Red-rimped Swallow: One in Plasencia (CC) on 02/11 and 16/11 (R. Montero). One in the Plaza Mayor de Trujillo (CC) on 07/11 (M.Kelsey).
Yellow-browed Warbler:  One at La Tenzuela, Madroñera (CC), on 12/11 (Juan Carlos Molina and Collin Jewitt). First for Extremadura.

Goldcrest: 4 at Piornal (CC) on 01/11 (Jesús Sánchez). At least one at the río Ibor, Alía (CC), on 06/11 (N. Baeza, J. Á. Herrera and J. Cerezo). At Riomalo de Arriba (CC), 2 on 02/11 and 12 on 27/11 (A. Pacheco). 7 at La Tenzuela, Madroñera (CC), on 13/11 (Steve Fletcher -photo- and C. Jewitt). 2 in Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 18/11 (Álvaro Díaz).
Pied Wagtail : Subespecie M. a. yarrellii: One at Navalmoral de la Mata (CC) on 03/11 (J. Briz and Alejandro Briz) and on 28/11 (Isabel Gallardo). One at the charca de Esparragalejo (BA) on 04/11 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at the weir in Badajoz on 10/11 (J. C. Paniagua). One in the rice fields at Riolobos (CC) on 18/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Brambling: One at Raña de Alía (CC), 3 on04/11 and 4 on 07/11 (N. Baeza, J. Á. Herrera and J. Cerezo). One at Pago de San Clemente (CC) on 07/11 (M. Kelsey). A group of 400 at Galisteo (CC) on 17/11 (R. Montero). One at the río Jerte, Plasencia (CC), on 22/11 (J. Sánchez). One at Jarandilla de la Vera (CC) on 25/11 (Joaquín García).
Bullfinch: 7 eeating the fruit of a strawberry tree at Puebla de Obando (BA) on 01/11 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista). 5 individuals, 2 males and 3 females, at Riomalo de Arriba (CC) on 08/11 (A. Pacheco). Present in Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 16/11 and 19/11 (D. Langlois). A male at Las Corchuelas, Monfragüe (CC), on 28/11 (S. Mayordomo). At the  río Guadajira, La Lapa (BA), a pair on 28/11 and 29/11 (F. Montaño). 3 at el huerto del Ojaranzo, Monfragüe (CC), on 30/11 (M. García del Rey, C. Clemente and Carlos Dávila).
Common Crossbill: One in flight at Monfragüe (CC) on 18/11 (Cris Mills). A male in flight in pines at Cañaveral (CC) on 22/11 (S. Mayordomo).

First winter visitor sightings

Redwing: 5 at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 20/11 (D. Langlois). One at the río Jerte en Plasencia (CC) on  22/11 (J. Sánchez).
Alpine Accentor: On  22/11 30-40 individuals were seen at the sierra del Ladrillar (CC) (A. Pacheco) and 4 at the sierra del Castellar, Zafra (BA) (F. Montaño and A. Núñez -fotografía-).

Late summer migrant sightings

Short-toed Eagle: One at Santa Marta de Magasca (CC) on 05/11 (M. Kelsey).
Alpine Swift: In Mérida (BA) s40-50 individuals were seen on 04/11 (Á. Sánchez) and several were heard on 11/11 (S. Pérez Gil). 400 were at the presa de Alange (BA) on 04/11 (E. del Viejo, A. Cangas, Thor and Per).

Willow Warbler: One at Plasencia (CC) on 22/11 (J. Sánchez Cidoncha).
Spotted Flycatcher: One at Casas de Belvís (CC) on 10/11 (J. Briz).
Pied Flycatcher: One at Mohedas de Granadilla (CC) on 10/11 (Fernando Ruedas). One caught and ringed at the río Gargáligas, Rena (BA), on 18/11 (GIA Extremadura).
Whinchat: One at Los Cerralbos, Trujillo (CC), on 18/11 (M. Kelsey).
Northern Wheatear: One at El Gordo (CC) on 02/11 (V. Risco and J. Briz). One at La Pulgosa, Cáceres, on 09/11 (M. Kelsey).
Woodchat Shrike: One at the embalse del Salor, Cáceres, on 25/11 (Antonio Ceballos -photo-).

Sunday, 2 December 2012


Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus). Male. By Steve Fletcher.

Winter is here and Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus) become a common sight in the open landscapes of Extremadura. However, breeding is a story. In 2012 at least one case has been detected. Manolo Gómez Calzado reported in his blog "Grullas veo" a couple breeding in Esparragosa de Lares (Badajoz), with a nest on a field of three hectares of cultivated oats shared with respective pairs of Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) and Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus). At harvest time, on June 19, two young Hen harriers fledged perfectly, with no need for intervention to save them. They were still present on this territory until the end of June.

Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus). Female. By Steve Fletcher. 

It is the first case we know of breeding in Extremadura since 2004, no less, when three couples were located in La Serena. According to the review by Traverso (2007), the species shows a clear downward trend since the first data from 1993 (7-10 pairs) and 1995 (five couples). Then there was an information gap until 2000, with subsequent breeding records only in 2003, 2004 and 2012. The area of occupancy has also been reduced from four counties in 1993 to a municipality and then only sporadically since 2004. Despite intensive campaigns to rescue harrier chicks, carried out in the last decade, no more records chave shown us reproduction. None was found nesting in the field during Atlas of the breeding birds of Spain (1998-2002) and in the national census of harriers in 2006.

After articles such as this above, people often forward us new unpublished data. So if any readers know of any nesting, successful or not, hen harrier in Extremadura, your comments and e-mails will be very much appreciate.

- Traverso, J. M. 2007. Situación del aguilucho pálido (Circus cyaneus) en Extremadura. En, Prieta, J. Aves de Extremadura. Vol. 3. 2001-2003. ADENEX. Mérida. [descargar]
- Prieta, J. y Mayordomo. 2011. Aves de Extremadura. Vol. 4. 2004-2008. SEO-Cáceres. Plasencia. [descargar]