Thursday, 10 October 2013

SEPTEMBER 2013. Notable observations in Extremadura

Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) by Sergio Mayordomo
Dedicated to the memory of Natalia Moral

Annotated list of the most interesting records in Extremadura in September 2013. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo. Translated by Martin Kelsey.

- Egyptian Goose: 11 seen at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 08/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Three at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 10/09 (Francisco Montaño). 33 birds at Cubilar reservoir, Logrosán (CC), on 14/09 (Juan Pablo Prieto -photo). The largest group ever seen in Extremadura.
- Shelduck: Three at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). At Talaván reservoir (CC) two young birds seen on 26/09 (Javier Esteban) and 29/09 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
- Garganey: One present at the large lagoon La Albuera (BA) on 05/09 (M. Gálvez)
- Red-crested Pochard: At La Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC) a female seen on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo), five present on 22/09 (César Clemente, Jesús Solana and S. Mayordomo), three on 26/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez) and six on 29/09 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). At the Valdelagrana pools, La Albuera (BA), 30 were present on 06/09 (Carlos González), six on 13/09 (Ángel Luis Sánchez and C. González) and two on 24/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Two at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 08/09 (Juan Carlos Paniagua). A female at the gravel pits at Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 09/09 (Ricardo Montero). A female at Alange reservoir (BA) on 26/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- Ferruginous DucK: Two at the Torrealba pool, Torremocha (CC), on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 12/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). At the Valdelagrana pools, La Albuera (BA), two were seen on 06/09 (C. González) and a male on el 13/09 (Á. L. Sánchez and C. González). At La Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), four males present on 22/09 (C. Clemente, J. Solana and S. Mayordomo) and a male on 26/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- Black-necked Grebe: One at the Torrealba pool, Torremocha (CC), on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 12/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One at Valdelagrana pools, La Albuera (BA), on días 06/09 (C. González) and 13/09 (Á. L. Sánchez and C. González). At Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), three present on 07/09, 08/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez) and 10/09 (M. Kelsey). One at Los Calles pool, Toril (CC), on 20/09 (J. Prieta).
- Great Cormorant: 569 birds at Valuengo reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 18/09 (José Antonio Román).
- Squacco Heron: One at Matachel River, Alange (BA), on 06/09 (J. Guerra).
- Cattle Egret: Roost of about 750 birds at Ardila River, La Bazana, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA) on 12/09 (Juan Carlos Delgado).
- Black Stork: Postbreeding gatherings. 11 at Arroyoconejos reservoir, Llerena (BA), on 10/09 (J. Guerra, Juan Carlos Albero, M. Gálvez and Silvia Fernández). 15 at Torrecillas de la Tiesa reservoir (CC) on 17/09 (John Hawkins).

- Glossy Ibis: Three on irrigated land at Santa Amalia (BA) on 01/09 (Fernando Yuste). One at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 06/09 (C. González). At Galisteo lagoon (CC) one on 18/09 (Kenet Sánchez and R. Montero), three on 25/09 (J. Prieta -photo-) and four on 30/09 (R. Montero). On 21/09 more than 60 birds seen at Casas de Hitos, Madrigalejo (CC), (J. Hawkins) and one at Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), (Antolín Redondo). One at the rice fields at El Batán (CC) on 25/09 (J. Prieta). On the rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) three seen on 27/09 (M. Kelsey) and on 28/09 (A. Calvo).

- Spoonbill: Postbreeding gatherings. 20 at Alange reservoir (BA), on 02/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). At Los Canchales reservoir (BA) 70 seen on 03/09 (Elvira del Viejo, J. Solana, J. Guerra and M. Gálvez) and 47 on 29/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). At Valuengo reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), 26 birds were seen on 06/09 and 25 on 18/09 (J. A. Román -photo-). At the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) 22 present on 07/09 (J. C. Paniagua), 33 on 24/09 and 22 on 25/09 (J. A. Román).
- Greater Flamingo: Continued presence of between 9 and 56 birds from 05/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez) until 24/09 (Á. L. Sánchez, Á. T. Mejías, C. González, E. del Viejo, Francis Martín, F. Montaño,  J. A. Román, J. Guerra, J. C. Paniagua, Juan Carlos Salgado, Juanma Brías, M. Gálvez, Mercedes Rodríguez, Paco Bernáldez and Paco Macías). Nine present at the  Valdelagrana pool, La Albuera (BA), on 13/09 (Á. L. Sánchez and C. González).
- Goshawk: One at Tornavacas Pass (CC) on 18/09 (J. Prieta). One at Montánchez (CC) on 24/09 (Nacho Rodríguez). A juvenile at Alburquerque, Sierra de San Pedro (BA), on 21/09 (L. Sitges).
- Osprey: Two at La Pesga (CC) on 02/09 (A. Pacheco). At Montijo reservoir, Mérida (BA), one seen on 03/09 (J. Solana), one on 12/09 (Fernando Díez) and another on 29/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). At Alange reservoir (BA) one seen on 06/09 (J. Guerra, J. A. Román and M. Gálvez), two on 09/09 (P. Bernáldez and P. Macías), one on 10/09 (J. Guerra, J. C. Albero, M. Gálvez and S. Fernández), one on 28/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo) and one on 29/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Two at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC) one 07/09 and 08/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). One at Cubilar reservoir, Logrosán (CC), on 14/09 (J. P. Prieto). One at Guijo de Coria (CC) on 18/09 (K. Sánchez and R. Montero). One at Zorita (CC) on 18/09 (Henk Zweers). One on Guadiana River passing through Mérida (BA) on 26/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Two at Los Canchales Reservoir (BA) on 29/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo).
- Red-footed Falcon: Three present at Cornalvo Natural Park (BA) el 23/09 (Diego Recio).
- Hobby: One at Esperabán Pass, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 16/09 (A. Pacheco). Three, 2 adults and a juvenile, at Villanueva de La Vera (CC) on 24/09 (Dave Langlois).
- Red-knobbed Coot: Two individuals at the large lagoon La Albuera (BA) on 05/09 (J. Guerra), one of the these had a neck collar and was still there on 09/09 (J. C. Paniagua).
- Avocet: At Charco Salado, Casatejada (CC), two seen, an adult and a juvenile, on 01/09 (Javier Briz and Vicente Risco) and one there on 09/09 (José Carlos López), 11/09 and 12/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Two in flight over Alange reservoir (BA) on 03/09 (J. Guerra). One at Morantes pool, Badajoz, on 09/09 (José Luis Bautista). Nine at La Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), on 26/09 (J. Guerra y M. Gálvez).

- Kentish Plover: At Alange reservoir (BA) two seen on 09/09 (J. A. Román) and one on 28/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). One at Portaje reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 27/09 (M. Kelsey).

- Red Knot: One individual at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 14/09 (J. C. Paniagua -photo-), 20/09 (E. del Viejo, P. Bernáldez and P. Macías) and 24/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- Temminck’s Stint: One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 06/09 (J. Guerra, J. A. Román and M. Gálvez). One at large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 13/09 (F. Montaño). Three at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 29/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo).
- Curlew Sandpiper: Two juveniles at Salor reservoir, Cáceres, on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo). A juvenile at Talaván reservoir (CC) on 10/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). Two juveniles at Portaje reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 12/09 (A. T. Mejías), 21/09 (J. C. Paniagua) and 24/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez), and three on 25/09 (J. A. Román). One at Torrecillas de la Tiesa reservoir (CC) on 15/09 (J. Hawkins). A juvenile at Valdelagrana pool, La Albuera (BA), on 24/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).

- Bar-tailed Godwit: A juvenile at Charco Salado, Casatejada (CC), on 20/09 (J. Prieta -photo-), 21/09 (E. Palacios) and 25/09 (R. Montero). Two at Talaván reservoir (CC) on 21/09 (J. Esteban).
- Curlew: One at large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 05/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez), 06/09 (J. C. Salgado and M. Rodríguez), 07/09 (F. Martín and J. C. Paniagua) and 20/09 (E. del Viejo).
- Spotted Redshank: At the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) four seen on 01/09 (P. Bernáldez and P. Macías), three on 06/09 (J. C. Salgado and M. Rodríguez), one on 09/09 (A. T. Mejías),  two on 13/09 (F. Montaño) and four on 20/09 (E. del Viejo, P. Bernáldez and P. Macías). One at the Torrealba pool, Torremocha (CC), on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at Salor reservoir, Cáceres, on 10/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). At Charco Salado, Casatejada (CC), 14 birds  present on 11/09 and 12/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez), two on 15/09 (J. Briz) and four on 20/09 (J. Prieta). One at Esparragalejo pool (BA) on 25/09 (J. Guerra). One on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 27/09 (M. Kelsey). Two at Alange reservoir (BA) on 28/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo).
- Wood Sandpiper: Three on irrigated land at Santa Amalia (BA) on 01/09 (F. Yuste). One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 09/09 (P. Bernáldez and P. Macías). Four seen at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 09/09 and one on 12/09 (A. T. Mejías). Two at Portaje reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One at Galisteo reservoir (CC) on 25/09 (J. Prieta). One on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 27/09 (M. Kelsey).
- Yellow-legged Gull: At Alange reservoir (BA) an adult present on 05/09 (M. Gálvez) and an immature on 28/09 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). 27 birds, the majority adults, at Vadecañas reservoir (CC) on 11/09 and 12/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- Whiskered Tern: At the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) one on 07/09 and three on 09/09 (J. C. Paniagua). On 10/09 a juvenile seen at Ahigal reservoir (CC) (A. Pacheco) and three at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), (F. Montaño).
- Black Tern: One at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 10/09 (F. Montaño). Two juveniles at the large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 24/09 (J. Guerra and M.Gálvez). At Talaván reservoir (CC) a ju8venile present on 25/09 (M. Kelsey) and 29/09 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).

- White-winged Black Tern: One at Torrecillas de la Tiesa reservoir (CC) on 09/09 (J. Hawkins -photo-).
- Ring-necked Parakeet: One at the alcazaba in Mérida (BA) on 22/09 (Juan José Ramos Encalado).
- European Nightjar: Three seen at the Sierra de San Serván, Mérida (BA), on 17/09 (Antonia Cangas).
- Wryneck: One on banks of Guadiana River in Medellín (BA) on 09/09 (F. Yuste). One trapped for ringing at the Sierra de La Mosca, Cáceres, on 23/09 (GIA Extremadura).
- Tawny Pipit: One at Torremocha (CC) on 12/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). On the plains of Cáceres seven seen on 13/09 and four on 25/09 (GIA Extremadura).
- Tree Pipit: Two at Tornavacas Pass (CC) on 18/09 and five at Piornal (CC) on 20/09 (J. Prieta). One at La Albuera (BA) on 21/09 (J. C. Paniagua). Seven seen at Jerte reservoir, Casas del Castañar (CC) on 24/09 (J. Prieta).
- Yellow Wagtail: Examples of Motacilla flava thunbergi: one at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 08/09 (J. Guerra y M. Gálvez) and one at Portaje reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo).

- Grasshopper Warbler: One at Casar de Cáceres (CC) on 06/09 (Alberto Sánchez -photo-). One impaled on barbed-wire by an Iberian Grey Shrike at Talaván reservoir (CC) on 16/09 (Jesús Porras). One at Piornal (CC) on 20/09 (J. Prieta). Two at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 22/09 (A. Pacheco). One trapped for ringing at Salor River, Cáceres, on 24/09 (GIA Extremadura).
- Sedge Warbler: Seen on Guadiana River in Badajoz on 08/09 (J. C. Paniagua). Two trapped for ringing at Salor River, Cáceres, on 27/09 (GIA Extremadura).
- Iberian Chiffchaff: One trapped for ringing at La Lapa (BA) on 01/09 (Hugo Gómez-Tejedor). At least one at Acehúche (CC) on 07/09 (Manuela Rodríguez). In the Sierra de La Mosca, Cáceres, one trapped for ringing on 23/09 and another on 26/09 (GIA Extremadura). Two trapped for ringing at Gargáligas River, Rena (BA), on 28/09 (GIA Extremadura).
- Bearded Tit: A female at Arrocampo Reservoir (CC) on 12/09 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).

- Greylag Goose: 13 at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 07/09 and 8 at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 11/09 (Jose Guerra and Marc Gálvez). Five still present at Borbollón reservoir (CC) on 15/09 (Javier Prieta). One remaining at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 29/09 (Eva Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and Sergio Mayordomo).
- Eurasian Wigeon: Three at Esparragalejo pool (BA) on 25/09 (J. Guerra). On the rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) one on 27/09 (Martin Kelsey) and eight on 28/09 (Antonio Calvo). On 29/09 two seen at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo), and two at La Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC) and seven at Talaván reservoir (CC) (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
- Red Kite: In Badajoz, one on 12/09 at Fregenal de la Sierra (BA) (J. C. Delgado).
- Hen Harrier: One at Talaván (CC) on 29/09 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). One on Cáceres plains (CC) on 01/10 (GIA Extremadura).

- Common Crane: 20 flying over Plasencia (CC) on 29/09 (Javier Parra). Ten over Cáceres on 02/10 (Arturo Domínguez). One at Tietar River, Malpartida de Plasencia (CC), on 03/10 (Javier Manzano and Juan Óscar Carretero).
- Stock Dove: Two at Galisteo (CC) on 28/09 (R. Montero).
- Skylark: One at El Batán (CC) on 30/09 (R. Montero).
- Meadow Pipit: One at Jerte reservoir, Casas del Castañar (CC), on 24/09 (J. Prieta).
- Bluethroat: On Salor River, Cáceres, a male captured for ringing on 20/09 and a female on 24/09 (GIA Extremadura -photo-). One at Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), on 28/09 (R. Montero).
- Song Thrush: Two at Tornavacas Pass (CC) on 18/09 (J. Prieta).
- Willow Warbler: One trapped for ringing at Gargáligas River, Rena (BA), on 28/09 (GIA Extremadura).

- Quail: One at Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), on 02/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 04/09 (J.Solana). One at La Albuera (BA) on 12/09 (A. T. Mejías).
- Honey Buzzard: Two at Campo Lugar (CC) on 15/09 (A. Calvo). One at Riomalo de Abajo (CC) on 27/09 (Alberto Pacheco).
- Common Swift: One at Alange (BA) on 21/09 (Bernat Iglesia, J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Latest record ever in Extremadura.
- Bee-eater: 15 at the Sierra de la Mosca, Cáceres, on 11/09 (GIA Extremadura). Several over Plasencia (CC) on 13/09 (S. Mayordomo). Two over Monterhermoso (CC) on 19/09 (Javier Mahillo).
- Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush: A male at Esperabán Pass, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 16/09 (A. Pacheco). Three, a male and two juveniles, at Montánchez (CC) on 24/09 (N. Rodríguez).
- Western Bonelli’s Warbler: One at Aldea del Cano (CC) on 06/09 (S. Mayordomo).
- Golden Oriole: A male at Valuento reservoir (BA) on 05/09 (J. C. Delgado). One at Acehúche (CC) on 11/09 (M. Rodríguez). One at Jerez de los Caballeros (BA) on 18/09 (J. A. Román).
- Woodchat Shrike: A juvenile at Fregenal de la Sierra (BA) on 06/09 (J. C. Delgado). A juvenile trapped for ringing at Salor River, Cáceres, on 10/09 (GIA Extremadura). A juvenile at Oliva de Plasencia (CC) on 15/09 (J. Prieta).

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Forty months have passed since that May in 2010 when this blog started and unbelievably we have now reached 200 posts,that is exactly five on average every month. Perhaps now would be a good time to say a little bit about this blog which has through 199 posts been dedicated to the life and wonders of birds in Extremadura. During this time, based on the blog statistics, we have received almost 160,000 visits, a figure which has grown from the initial visits by those closest to us. In the last twelve months, there has been on average between 5,000 and 6,000 visits a month, and i9ndeed sometimes we have had over 8,000 visits, such as in December 2012…let’s have a look why.

It is not easy to know what have been the most popular themes, since the statistics only show us the visits directly for each posting and not general visits to the blog, which is how most people may consult the blog. However, the postings about the White-tailed Eagle are in first place (particularly if you sum the visits to the two postings). After that is the post about phenology of Extremadura’s birds written by Sergio Mayordomo posted just a few weeks ago! It is so recent in fact that perhaps it is too early to say whether it will overtake the admirable White-tailed Eagle! After that comes the most common birds of Extremadura, the story of our dear friend the  Black Stork Choni, then the complex theme of the Long-legged Buzzards (or whatever they are), the Lammergeiers that travel through Extremadura and some of the  monthly summaries, the most visited being March 2012. So varied themes, probably corresponding to an equally varied public - something that pleases us.

Our visitors to the Spanish version, as one might expect are mainly Spanish. The smaller number of foreign are mainly from (in order) United States, France, Mexico, Germany and, curiously, Russia.  Lower down the list are our neighbours in Portugal, Colombia and Argentina, and way down the list Great Britain. People find us using Google (more than 95%) using the key words “aves” and “Extremadura”. In contrasts, links with other blogs yield just 1% of visits. Looking back, it is quite nostalgic to look at the posting marking the first anniversary of the blog.

The themes most visited in the English version were about Rüppell’s Vulture, Long-legged Buzzard, Bonelli’s Eagle, exotic quails (rather curiously), Saker Falcon and monthly summaries. These themes are predominately about rare birds and notable sightings, for readers particularly interested in specific and current information, perhaps to plan for a forthcoming visit. It is therefore and added satisfaction that the blog is thus contributing towards birding holidays in Extremadura. Most visits to the English blog are from Great Britain and the United States, followed far behind by Spain. Even further back is France, tied with Germany, Russia, Holland, India, Belgium and Sweden. Therefore English-speaking countries predominate and those in Western Europe, plus Russia and India. The majority find the blog via Google.

So a big thank you to all of our Readers, may you continue to visit us.