Tuesday, 31 December 2013


After a very poor autumn for rarities in Extremadura, especially compared with the outstanding year of 2012, when between September and December several species of rare geese were found, a White-tailed Eagle, a Pallid Harrier, a Yellow-browed Warbler, a Ruppell`s Vulture and two Buff-breasted Sandpipers. During the same period in 2013 we have not had much to showuntil the 30th December 2013, when Fergus Crystal found a Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) in the rice fields close to the village of Puebla de Alcollarín (Villar de Rena, Badajoz). In the same day José Guerra, Marc Gálvez (photos, see link) and José Gómez Aparicio were able to watch it as well and suggested it was an adult; after that the bird flew off and was not relocated.

[NOTE: the bird was found again on 7th January 2014 by Martin Kelsey on another rice field at the same area, Puebla de Alcollarín. On 8th January it was seen by Alberto Gil at the same site. On 11th January seen again by Pablo Prieto, Francisco Montaño, Sergio Mayordomo, César Clemente, Javier Prieta, Eva Palacios, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra, Antonio Calvo, Pepe Guisado, Pilar Goñi y Neil Renwick. On 10th February is seen again in the same place by Martin Kelsey]

This is the second record of this species in Extremadura. The first took place 14 years ago: a probable adult seen by Agustín Mogena on 8th August 1999 at Valdesalor reservoir (Cáceres).

The Lesser Yellowlegs is a New World wader that breeds in the Arctic and Winters from the South of North America to Chile and Argentina. In mainland Spain there have been 57 accepted records up until 2011. On one occasion, two birds were together, otherwise all the records are of single birds. Although it has been recorded in every month of the year, the peak is clearly in autumn (September-December), with a second peak in April-May. It has been recorded throughout the peninsular, as well as on the Caneries and Balearics, but mainly in north-west Spain. This is a typical pattern for neartic waders. As far as we know, there were only autumn records in 2013, from August onwards with five records: Valencia, Navarra, La Coruña and two in the Algarve (Reservoir Birds, Rare Birds in Spain). 


The Government of Extremadura has published the results of the Black Vulture (also known as Monk or Cinereous Vulture) (Aegypius monachus) census of 2013 (see link), showing the highest ever known population of 897 breeding pairs. Furthermore, the breeding success of 806 pairs was monitored, showing that 590 young fledged, in other words a breeding success of 73%.  The first Black Vulture censuses, albeit only partially completed, were from 1974, when only 86 pairs were known in the whole region. With the passing of time, the quality of the censuses has significantly improved, but there was also a true increase in the population with the figures in 1990 reaching 404 pairs, in 2000 610 pairs and in 2006 to 829 breeding pairs. Since then the population has remained, with small fluctuations, between 800 and 900 pairs. One must take into account that this type of census will always underestimate the real population, owing to the difficulty of determining if pairs do breed or because some nests remain undetected (in order to do a thorough census it is reckoned that 16 visits are necessary). Notwithstanding these caveats, it is clear that Extremadura has the most important Black Vulture population in Europe. For further information about the population, evolution and distribution of the Black Vulture in Extremadura read here

Friday, 13 December 2013

NOVEMBER 2013. Notable observations in Extremadura

Annotated list of the most interesting records in Extremadura in November 2013. Compiled and illustration Ttree Sparrow Passer montanus) by Sergio Mayordomo. Translated by Martin Kelsey

- White-fronted Goose: One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 24/11 (Francisco Lopo, Francisco Montaño and Gema Montaño).
- Egyptian Goose: Six at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) (Toribio Álvarez) and one at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA) (Antonio Núñez), on 01/11. Two present on a pool in La Serena (BA) on 09/11 (F. Montaño and G. Montaño). Two at La Isla pool, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), 19/11 (Juan Antonio Barquero). Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 23/11 (Dave Langlois and Sammy Langlois).
- Ruddy Shelduck: Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/11 (Sergio Mayordomo) and on 23/11 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois). Two at Borbollón reservoir (CC) on 16/11 (Goyo Naharro). One at Santa Amalia rice fields (BA) on 29/11 (Fernando Yuste).
- Common Shelduck: Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/11 (S. Mayordomo) and one on 10/11 (Javier Briz and Vicente Risco). Seven present at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 13/11 (Martin Kelsey) and two on 24/11 (José Guerra, Marc Gálvez, Miquel Ángel López and Núria Tarrasón). Two on the Santa Amalia rice fields (BA) on 22/11 (Ángel Sánchez), three on 23/11 (Á. Sánchez and F. Yuste) and six on 28/11 (Kelly Renwick, Neil Renwick and William Haworth) and on 29/11 (F. Yuste).
- Red-crested Pochard: Five on Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 02/11 (A. Núñez, Eva Palacios, F. Montaño, José Gómez Aparicio, Miguel Ángel Muñoz and Vanessa de Alba) and a male there on 13/11 (Martin Kelsey). A male at Alange reservoir (BA) on 10/11 (José Guerra and Marc Gálvez). A male at Moral reservoir, Los Santos de Maimona (BA), on 17/11 (A. Núñez, César Clemente, E. Palacios, F. Montaño, M. Á. Muñoz, Paco Ramírez, S. Mayordomo and V. de Alba).

- Ferruginous Duck: Four at pool of Los Calles, Toril (CC), on 01/11 (E. Palacios -photo- and J. G. Aparicio) and on 08/11 (S. Mayordomo), and five there on 23/11 (Antolín Redondo, Guillermo Rivas and Leandro Rivas). Three at La Atalaya, Aldea del Cano (CC), on 10/11 (A. Núñez and V. de Alba) and on 17/11 (Jesús Solana), still present on 25/11 (Alejandro Puerto) and four there on 28/11 (S. Mayordomo). One at Corral Alto pool, Zorita (CC), on 30/11 (Pepe Guisado and Pilar Goñi).
- Northern Bobwhite: Two in stubble at Montijo (BA) on 15/11 (P. Herrador).
- Common Pheasant: A female in maize stubble at Vegas Altas (BA) on 24/11 (M. Á. Muñoz). One calling at Matachel River, Valencia de las Torres (BA), on 30/11 (M. Gálvez).

- Black-necked Grebe:  Two at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 10/11 (Antonio Calvo -photo-), on 13/11 and on 22/11 (M. Kelsey), and one there on 24/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. Á. López and N. Tarrasón). One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 30/11 (M. Kelsey and S. Mayordomo).
- Squacco Heron: Two in rice fields at El Batán (CC) on 03/11 (S. Mayordomo) and one on 19/11 (C. Clemente). One seen from Puente Viejo in Badajoz on 04/11 and 2 el 17/11 (Juan Carlos Paniagua). One in rice fields at Palazuelo (BA) on 24/11 (M. Á. Muñoz).
- Western Reef Egret: Possible example but a hybrid with Little Egret cannot be ruled-out, at Molino de la Aceña, Don Álvaro (BA), on 19/11 (J. Guerra).
- Black Stork: Four on the Canal de las Dehesas (BA/CC) on 01/11 (José Ángel Sánchez and Luis Salguero), one on 16/11 (A. Calvo), three on 19/11 (J. A. Barquero) and 11 on 22/11 (Á. Sánchez). One at Villar de Plasencia (CC) on 05/11 (Ricardo Montero). Two at Fresnedillas, Oliva de Plasencia (CC) on 11/11 (R. Montero) and four there on 16/11 (Javier Prieta) and also on 24/11 (Jesús Montero). Three at the El Sevillano dam, Puebla de Alcocer (BA), on 12/11 (J. A. Barquero). One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 16/11 (A. Calvo).  One at Jarripa reservoir, Torremocha (CC), on 25/11 (A. Puerto). One at Galisteo (CC) on 27/11 (S. Mayordomo). Two at Dehesa de Solana, Herrera de Alcántara (CC) on 28/11 (Antonio Galán).
- Glossy Ibis: One at Galisteo (CC) on 01/11 (E. Palacios and J. G. Aparicio) and three there on 03/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Four at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 01/11 (E. Palacios and J. G. Aparicio) and on 05/11 (R. Montero). Four in a Cattle Egret roost at Valdeobispo lagoon (CC) on 03/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Five at Santa Amalia (BA) on 15/11 (José Antonio Román), on 24/11 (F. Montaño) and on 28/11 (K. Renwick, N. Renwick and W. Haworth).
- Spoonbill: Nine at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 11/11 (Emilio Costillo), eight on 19/11 (F. Lopo) and six on 24/11 (F. Lopo, F. Montaño and G. Montaño). Two at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 28/11 (S. Mayordomo).
- Greater Flamingo: A juvenile in the Santa Amalia rice fields (BA) on 29/11 (Fernando Yuste).
- Egyptian Vulture: Five over the Viñuelas gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), on 13/11 (S. Mayordomo).
- Goshawk: One at Vegas Altas (BA) on 01/11 (Juan Pablo Prieto and W. Haworth). One at riverside trail Plasencia (CC) on 17/11 (R. Montero).
- Osprey: One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 01/11 (Toribio Álvarez), on 15/11 (Inmaculada Jerez and José Luis Bautista) and on 24/11 (F. Lopo, F. Montaño and G. Montaño). One at Portaje reservoir (CC) on 01/11 (E. Palacios and J. G. Aparicio). One at Cubilar reservoir, Logrosán (CC), on 01/11 (J. Á. Sánchez and L. Salguero) and on 30/11 (M. Kelsey). One at Borbollón reservoir (CC) on 13/11 (Kenet Sánchez and R. Montero). One at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (CC) on 18/11 (J. Montero).
- Red-footed Falcon: A male at Palazuelo (BA) on 17/11 (José Luis Pérez Chiscano).
- Common Crane: The census in the Central Zone (BA/CC) produced a figure of 43,051 birds on 15/11 (Emilio Peña, F. Yuste, Francisco Borja Maldonado, J. A. Román, J. Guerra, J. P. Prieto, Manuel Gómez Calzado, M. Gálvez and W. Haworth).
- Avocet: Five on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 22/11 (M. Kelsey). 14 at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 22/11 (M. Kelsey) and three on 24/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. Á. López and N. Tarrasón). Two at La Albuera large lagoon (BA) on 23/11 (Godfried Schreur and Pedro Schreur).
- Kentish Plover: 47 at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/11 (S. Mayordomo). Three at Santa Amalia rice fields (BA) on 09/11 (F. Montaño and G. Montaño) and five on 24/11 (F. Montaño). 11 on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 11/11 (M. Kelsey).

- Dotterel: Four on Hinojal plains (CC) on 09/11 (Chris Mills and R. Montero -photo-) and seven present there for the remainder of the month (Á. Sánchez, Antonio Ceballos, A. Núñez, Carmen Diu, C. Clemente, Chema Diu, D. Langlois, E. Palacios, Francis Martín, F. Montaño, José Luis Copete, J. Guerra, Julio Ceballos, M. Gálvez, M. Kelsey, Michel Viskens, M. Á. Muñoz, P. Ramírez, R. Montero, S. Langlois, SEO-Cáceres, S. Mayordomo and V de Alba).
- Grey Plover: Two juveniles at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/11 (C. Mills and R. Montero).
- Sanderling: One at large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 23/11 (G. Schreur and P. Schreur).
- Curlew Sandpiper: One at Moral reservoir, Los Santos de Maimona (BA), on 08/11 (A. Núñez and V. de Alba). Two on rice fields at Santa Amalia (BA) on 09/11 (F. Montaño and G. Montaño). One on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 17/11 (M. Kelsey).
- Jack Snipe: One in irrigation canal at Galisteo (CC) on 11/11 (J. Guerra y M. Gálvez). One in rice fields at Riolobos (CC) on 13/11 (S. Mayordomo). Four in rice fields at Palazuelo (BA) on 24/11 (M. Á. Muñoz).
- Woodcock: One at Puebla de Obando (BA) on 15/11 (J. L. Bautista and P. Herrador)
- Spotted Redshank: One at Charco Salado, Casatejada (CC), on 08/11 amd another at Lugar Nuevo, Peraleda de la Mata (CC) (S. Mayordomo). Two at Santa Amalia (BA) on 09/11 (F. Montaño and G. Montaño). One on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC) on 13/11, 2 on 22/11 (M. Kelsey) and one on 28/11 (K. Renwick, N. Renwick and W. Haworth). One at La Jarilla reservoir (CC) on 16/11 (J. Prieta).
- Yellow-legged Gull: At least four at Mérida landfill (BA) on 07/11 (M. Gálvez). One at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/11 (S. Mayordomo). One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 10/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Two at Badajoz landfill on16/11 (J. C. Paniagua).
- Stock Dove: 20 at Galisteo (CC) on 05/11 (R. Montero) and two on 11/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). 60 at Vegas Altas (BA) on 15/11 (M. Kelsey). Two at Riolobos (CC) on 20/11 (S. Mayordomo). Six at Cortijo de la Concepción, Retamal de Llerena (BA), on 30/11 (M. Gálvez).
- Ring-necked Parakeet: One seen on riverside trail, Plasencia (CC) on 03/11 (R. Montero) and on 21/11 (Montaña Domínguez).
- Monk Parakeet: Four at Parque del Príncipe de Cáceres on 04/11 (Alberto Gil) and at the municipal hostel on  17/11 (Francisco Javier Caballero).
- Long-eared Owl: Two within Badajoz city on 07/11 (J. Guerra).
- Wryneck: One at Monfragüe (CC) on 14/11 (Manolo García del Rey and Mark Hörstermann). One at Matachel River, Alange (BA) on 22/11 (J. Guerra and Lorenzo Alcántara).

- Pied Wagtail: Subspecies M. a. yarrellii: One at Mérida landfill (BA) on 07/11 (M. Gálvez). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA) on 08/11 (J. Guerra). Two at rice fields El Batán (CC) on 13/11 and one on 20/11 and 27/11 (S. Mayordomo). One at rice fields at Riolobos (CC) on 17/11 (J. Prieta -photo-).

- Ring Ouzel: Two at Sierra del Castellar, Zafra (BA), on 11/11 (A. Núñez) and between two and four seen there from 12/11 until 25/11 (Antonia Cangas, A. Núñez, C. Clemente, Elvira del Viejo, E. Palacios, Fergus Crystal, F. Montaño -photo-, Joaquín Vázquez, José Antonio Delgado, M. Á. Muñoz, P. Ramírez, S. Mayordomo and V. de Alba).
- Goldcrest: Two in pinewood in Zafra (BA) on 21/11 (F. Montaño).
- Citril Finch: Several in pine at Serradilla (CC) on 27/11 (David Cobos).

- Alpine Accentor: Two at Sierra de Utrera, Oliva de Mérida (BA), on 09/11 (M. Gálvez). Two at Sierra del Castellar, Zafra (BA), on 12/11 (A. Núñez and F. Montaño) and on 17/11 (A. Núñez, C. Clemente, E. Palacios, F. Montaño, M. Á. Muñoz, P. Ramírez, S. Mayordomo and V. de Alba) and six on 25/11 (F. Montaño).

- Siskin: A female along riverside trail, Plasencia (CC) on 03/11 (J. Prieta) and a pair there on 06/11 (S. Mayordomo).
- Reed Bunting: Three at Viñuelas gravel pit, Galisteo (CC), on 03/11 (S. Mayordomo). One between Montehermoso and El Batán (CC) on 05/11 (C. Clemente). At least three at Arrocampo (CC) on 08/11 (S. Mayordomo).

- Purple Heron: One at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 05/11 (C. Clemente). One at rice fields at Campo Lugar (CC) on 16/11 (A. Calvo).
- Black Kite: One at Matachel River, Valencia de las Torres (BA), on 01/11 (Manuel, Marisol Díaz and M. Gálvez).
- Booted Eagle: A pale morph at Lobón (BA) on 24/11 (Pablo Herrador).
- Lesser Kestrel: Four males between Valdivia and Entrerríos (BA) on 08/11 (J. P. Prieto). One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 09/11 (A. Calvo).
- Pallid Swift: Three at Alange (BA) on 06/11 (M. Gálvez) and on 10/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez), four on 12/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez) and on 19/11 (J. Solana), and one on 29/11 (J. Solana).
- Alpine Swift: 35 at Badajoz on 05/11 (J. C. Paniagua). Eight at Alange (BA) on 17/11 (M. Gálvez) and three on 20/11 (Aleix Millet, Alicia Carreño, J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- Barn Swallow: One at Barquilla de Pinares (CC) on 02/11 (Virgilio Beltrán). One at Alange (BA) on 04/11 and on 12/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). One at Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), on 11/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). One at Villar de Rena (BA) on 15/11 (J. P. Prieto and W. Haworth). One at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 24/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. Á. López and N. Tarrasón).
- Red-rumped Swallow: Ten at Navalmoral de la Mata (CC) on 08/11 (J. Briz). 11 at  Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC) on 11/11 (J. Guerra, M. Gálvez and S. Mayordomo). One at Alange (BA) on 12/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
- House Martin: Present at Alange (BA) throughout the whole of November, e.g. three on 12/11 and five on 16/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). One at Olivenza (BA) on 17/11 (Arturo Domínguez).
- Northern Wheatear: One between Villanueva de la Serena and Magacela (BA) on 04/11. One at Casas de Belvís (CC) on 10/11 (J. Briz).
- Iberian Chiffchaff: One at Galisteo (CC) on 03/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). One at Alange (BA) on 06/11 and another on 13/11 (M. Gálvez).

- Willow Warbler: One at Los Santos de Maimona (BA) on 08/11 (A. Núñez and V. de Alba).