list of the most interesting records in Extremadura in October 2013.
Compiled and illustration (Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus)
by Sergio Mayordomo. Translated by Martin Kelsey
White-fronted Goose: One at Los Canchales
reservoir (BA) on 07/12, 08/12 (Antonia Cangas) and 30/12 (Rosa
Egyptian Goose: One at Morante reservoir, Badajoz, on 19/12
(Pablo Herrador).
Ruddy Shelduck: Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 01/12
(Javier Briz and Vicente Risco). Twp at Sierra Brava reservoir,
Zorita (CC), (César Clemente, Martin Kelsey and Sergio Mayordomo)
and another at Galisteo rice fields and later at El Batán (CC)
(Javier Prieta -photo- and Luis Miguel Parejo) on 15/12.
Common Shelduck:
One at Ahigal reservoir (CC) on 03/12 (Alberto Pacheco). Two at
Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 08/12 (J. Briz and V. Risco). One at
Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 08/12 (M. Kelsey) and three
present on 15/12 (C. Clemente, M. Kelsey and S. Mayordomo). A
pair at Villalba de los Barros reservoir (BA) on 13/02 (José Antonio
Leal). One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 14/12 (Antonio Núñez,
Jesús Solana and Vanessa de Alba). Two at Tozo reservoir,
Torrecillas de la Tiesa (CC), on 17/12 (M. Kelsey).
Red-crested Pochard:
Two males at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 08/12 (M.
Kelsey) and a male and two females there on 15/12 (C. Clemente, M.
Kelsey and S. Mayordomo). A female at La Atalaya gravel pits,
Aldea del Cano (CC), on 15/12 (J. Solana). More
than ten amongst 106 other duck on Orellana reservoir (BA) on 20/12
(Juan Antonio Barquero).
Ferruginous Duck: 10 on the Los Calles pools, Toril (CC), on
09/12 (Antolín Redondo and Javier G. Labrador). Three on the La
Atalaya gravel pits, Aldea del Cano (CC) on 15/12 (J. Solana).
- Black-necked
Grebe: Two at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 15/12 (C.
Clemente and S. Mayordomo).
Squacco Heron:
One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 09/12 (A. Redondo and J. G.
Labrador). Two at Puente Viejo, Badajoz, on 15/12 (Juan Carlos
Paniagua -photo, with Little Bittern-) and one there on 27/12 (José
Guerra). One at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros
(BA), on 17/12 and on 23/12 (Francisco Montaño). One at Quebrada de
las Palomeras reservoir, Navalmoral de la Mata (CC), on 22/12 (J.
Briz and V. Risco).
Black Stork:
Five at Fresnedillas, Oliva de Plasencia (CC), on 13/12 (Jesús
Montero), three on 15/12 (L. M. Parejo) and one there on 22/12 (Chema
Diu). This individual was ringed in the Czech Republic as a nestling
(W[61JJ]) and regularly winters at this site. One at Brovales
reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 17/12 (F. Montaño). One
at Valuebo reservoir (BA), on 29/12 (Adolfo García).
Glossy Ibis: Six at Santa Amalia (BA) on 02/12 (José Antonio
Román) and four on 09/12 (Juan Pablo Prieto and Rafael Serra). Two
at Yelbes (BA) on 18/12 (Fernando Yuste). Three at Madrigalejo (CC)
on 20/12 (Jesús Porras). 13 at Toconal, Don Benito (BA), on 20/12
(J. A. Leal). One at the Lugar pool, Malpartida de Cáceres (CC), on
23/12 (Manuel Iglesias). One at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 28/12
(S. Mayordomo).

One at Valhondo stream, Cáceres on 08/12 (Pablo Ramiro). 14 at Los
Canchales reservoir (BA) on 09/12 (Toribio Álvarez), three there on
14/12 (A. Núñez, J. Solana and V. de Alba), 18 on 16/12 (J. A.
Román), six on 20/12 (Francisco Lopo) and 37 there on 21/12 (Elvira
del Viejo, F. Lopo and Losé Luis Bautista). One at Vega del
Haza, Malpartida de Plasencia (CC), on 09/12 (Raúl Sancho) and on
22/12 (Eva Palacios, Francis Martín and Miguel Ángel Muñoz). One
at Villalba de los Barros (BA) on 12/12 (Hugo Gómez-Tejedor). Six
in flight over Azud del Guadiana, Badajoz, on 15/12 (SEO-Badajoz). 14
at the Pizarrilla pool, Villanueva del Fresno (BA), on 15/12 and
three there on 16/12 (Alfonso Pérez del Barco -photo; This birds was
seen at Los Canchales on 21/12-). One at Tozo reservoir, Torrecillas
de la Tiesa (CC), on 14/12 (J. Porras) and on 17/12 (M. Kelsey). One
at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 19/12 (J. Porras). One at
Portaje reservoir (CC) on 20/12 (Raúl Granados). Nine
at Morante reservoir, Badajoz, on 20/12 (J. L. Bautista) and 20 there
on 22/12 (T. Álvarez). One between La Nava de Santiago and
Aljucén (BA) on 22/12 (F. Lopo). One at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de
los Caballeros (BA), on 23/12 (F. Montaño).
Greater Flamingo: A juvenile at Santa Amalia (BA) on 06/12 (J.
P. Prieto and R. Serra).
Black Kite: One at Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) on 22/12 (P.
Egyptian Vulture:
Four at Portaje (CC) on 07/12 (Manuela Rodríguez). One at La
Roca de la Sierra (BA) on 09/12 (T. Álvarez).
Goshawk: One at Palacio Quemado, Alange (BA), on 02/12 (J. A.
Osprey: One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 07/12, 08/12
(A. Cangas) and 09/12 (T. Álvarez). One at Rivera de Fresnedosa,
between Ceclavín and Acehúche (CC), on 07/12 (M. Rodríguez).
Common Crane: 82,197 in the Central Zone Zona Centro (BA/CC)
on 20/12 (Emilio Peña, F. Yuste, Francisco Borja Maldonado, José
Ángel Sánchez, J. A. Román, J. P. Prieto and Manuel Gómez
Avocet: Five on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo
Lugar (CC) on 06/12 (J. P. Prieto and R. Serra), eight there on 15/12
(C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo) and 25 on 21/12 (Antonio Calvo).
- Kentish
On the rice fields between Palazuelo (BA) and Campo Lugar (CC), one
on 01/12 (A. Núñez), 12 on 06/12 (J. P. Prieto and R. Serra) and
seven on 15/12 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). 11
at Santa Amalia (BA) on 06/12 (J. P. Prieto y R. Serra). Three at
Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) on 22/12 (P. Herrador).
Dotterel: Five at Castuera (BA) on
06/12 (J. Guerra) and right there on 08/12 (William Haworth -photo-).
Six remaining at Hinojal (CC) on 10/12 (J. Porras) and on 20/12 (C.
Clemente, J. Porras and S. Mayordomo). 11 at Cabeza del Buey
(BA) on 11/12 (J. Guerra and Marc Gálvez).
Curlew Sandpiper: One at Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) on
22/12 (P. Herrador).
Jack Snipe: Two on Guadalupejo river, Alía (CC), on 03/12
(Jorge Ángel Herrera and Noelia Baeza). One at El Batán (CC) on
06/12 (S. Mayordomo) and another there on 09/12 (J. Prieta).
One at Guadalupejo river, Alía (CC), on 04/12 (Jaime Cerezo, J. Á.
Herrera and N. Baeza). Two at Parque Natural de Cornalvo (BA)
on 09/12 (J. Guerra). One photo-trapped at Parque
Natural del Tajo Internacional (CC) on 11/12 and on 13/12 (Paco
Curlew: Two at Galisteo (CC) on 15/12 (J. Prieta) and one
on 22/12 (S. Mayordomo).
Spotted Redshank: On the rice fields between Palazuelo
(BA) and Campo Lugar (CC), ten on 01/12 (A. Núñez), ten on 06/12
(J. P. Prieto and R. Serra) and five on 15/12 (C. Clemente and S.
Mayordomo). 20 on the rice fields at Fernando V, Madrigalejo (CC), on
15/12 (M. Kelsey). One at Toconal, Don Benito (BA), on 20/12 (J. A.
One at the rice fields at Puebla de Alcollarín, Villar de Rena (BA),
on 30/12 (Fergus Crystal, José G. Aparicio, J. Guerra and M.
Wood Sandpiper: Two on rice fields between Palazuelo (BA)
and Campo Lugar (CC) on 06/12 (J. P. Prieto and R. Serra) and another
on the rice fields of Guadiana del Caudillo (P. Herrador).
Turnstone: One at Arroyoconejos reservoir, Llerena (BA),
on 02/12 (F. Montaño and Joaquín Vázquez).
Yellow-legged Gull: There at Mérida landfill (BA) on
01/12 (J. Guerra).
Stock Dove:
Three at Fresnedillas. Oliva de Plasencia (CC), on 30/12 (S.
Ring-necked Parakeet:
One at Plasencia (CC) on 03/12 (Ricardo Montero). Two at
Mérida (BA) on 20/12 (Hugo Sánchez).
Short-eared Owl: One at Valdeherrero, La Roca de la Sierra
(BA), on 20/12 (F. Lopo). One at Alvarado, Badajoz, on 23/12 (J.
House Martin:
At last three regularly present at Alange (BA) until 15/12 (J.
Solana, J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Five present in Badajoz
city on 26/12 (Atanasio Fernández).
Pied Wagtail M. a. yarrellii:
Four at Moraleja (CC) on 01/12 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo) and
another at Mérida landfill (BA) (J. Guerra). One at Mérida (BA) on
18/12 (F. Lopo). One at Valdefuentes gravel pits, Galisteo (CC), on
22/12 (S. Mayordomo).
Ring Ouzel: Two at Hornachos castle (BA) on 29/11 and one
at San Bernabé, Don Álvaro (BA), on 23/12 (F. Crystal).
Goldcrest: One at Sierra del Ladrillar (CC) on 02/12 (A.
Red Avadavat:
Records at Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), three birds: a male, female
and possible juvenile in the irrigated land of Valuengo on 07/12
(Juan Carlos Delgado) and six adults at Brovales reservoir on 23/12
(Francisco Montaño -photo, male-).
Brambling: One at Parque Natural de Cornalvo (BA) on 09/12 (M.
Common Crossbill: About 15 in the Sierra del Ladrillar (CC) on
02/12 (A. Pacheco).