Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola). By Atanasio Fernández.
List of the most interesting records sent to the GOCE forum during September 2012. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo.
Egyptian Goose: One in the Embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 20/09 (Francisco Montaño, Francisco Lopo, Francisco Castro, Elvira del Viejo and Damián García), 22/09 (F. Montaño, Emilio Costillo and Antonio Núñez) and 23/09 (Sergio Mayordomo, Eva Palacios and César Clemente. 12 in the Embalse de Cubilar, Logrosán (CC) on 23/09 (Emilio Peña).
Shelduck: 6 juveniles at Embalse de Valdecañas (CC) 01/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Ruddy Shelduck: One in the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 05/09 (Paul Farrier and Jose Luis Bautista) and 06/09 (Antonio Calvo, F. Lopo
-photo-). One in the charca de Morantes (BA) on 23/09 (S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios and C. Clement) and 24/09 (P. Herrador).
Red-crested Pochard: 6 individuals, 3 males and 3 females/juveniles, in the embalse de García de Sola, Talarrubias (BA), 06/09 (Sergio Perez Gil). In El Manantío, Aldea del Cano (CC), a copy on 23/09 (Jesus Solana and Carlos Fernandez) and a pair 29/09 (Javier Prieta).
Ferruginous Duck: At El Manantío, Aldea del Cano (CC), 5 indivuduals, 4 of them males, 16/09 (J. Solana) and 4 on 23/09 (C. Fernández) and 29/09 (J. Prieta).
Great Crested Grebe: Large concentrations: At the embalse de Villalba de los Barros (BA) 123 individuals were counted on 01/09 (José Antonio Román), 411 on 07/09 (F. Montaño) and 296 on 14/09 (JA Román ). In the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) there were estimated to be 350 individuals on 22/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Black Necked Grebe: A juvenile at charca de Esparragalejo (BA) 23/09 (S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente).
Common Flamingo: 2 individuals at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) 01/09 (S. Mayordomo). 8 at the embalse de Salor, Caceres, 08/09 (C. Fernández-photo-).
Glossy Ibis: 20 at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) 01/09 (Vanessa de Alba, F. Montaño, A. Nunez). At the embalse de Montijo roost, Merida (BA), 13 entered on 05/09 (Sergio Perez Gil) and 20 on 26/09 (J. Solana). One in the rice fields of Santa Amalia (BA) 13/09 (Angel Luis Sanchez). 22 individuals in the rice fields of the Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) el 24/09 (P. Herrador).
Spoonbill: Major concentrations: Embalse de los Canchales (BA), 100 on 01/09 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño y A. Núñez), 140 on 05/09 (P. Herrador y J. L. Bautista), 150 on 15/09 (E. del Viejo), 52 on 16/09 (V. de Alba, Ismael Sánchez, F. Montaño, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo y A. Núñez), 48 on 20/09 (F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. del Viejo, D. García), 42 on 22/09 (F. Montaño, E. Costillo y A. Núñez) and 39 on 30/09 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey, E. Palacios, E. del Viejo, C. Clemente, Antonia Cangas, Arturo, Juande y Emi). 42 individuals at El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (CC), on 03/09 (Sebastián Molano). 51 at the embalse de Villalba de los Barros (BA) el 30/09 (J. A. Román).
Bittern: One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) 02/09 (Manuel Carregal and Graciela Fernandez).
Squacco Heron: One at the embalse de Arrocampo (CC) 02/09 (M. Carregal and G. Fernandez). On the Guadiana River as it passes through Badajoz, there were 18 on 08/09, 19 on 09/09 (Juan Carlos Paniagua) and 2 on 29/09 (SEO-Badajoz).
Black Stork: Major concentrations: In Trujillo (CC) 42 individuals were counted on 05/09,
109 on 09/09 (
photo) and 45 on 12/09 (Javier Esteban). 61 were at Alange Reservoir (BA) 13/09 (Jesús Sánchez, Á. L. Sánchez and Á. Sánchez).
Osprey: At the embalse de Portaje (CC), 2 individuals on 01/09 (J. Prieta) and one on 04/09 and 20/09 (S. Mayordomo). At the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), one on 03/09 (F. Lopo), 2 on 06/09 (A. Calvo), 3 on 16/09 (V. de Alba, I. Sánchez, F. Montaño, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo and A. Núñez), 2 on 20/09 (F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. del Viejo and D. García), 2 on 22/09 (F. Montaño, E. Costillo y A. Núñez), 2 on 25/09 (Joaquín Vázquez, J. Solana and A. Núñez) and on 29/09 (M. Llorente and Á. Díaz), and one on 30/09 (E. del Viejo, A. Cangas, Arturo, Juande yand Emi). At the embalse de Montijo, Mérida (BA), one on 05/09 (S. Pérez Gil) and another on 26/09 (J. Solana). One not near water at Talavera la Real (BA) on 10/09 (Atanasio Fernández). One at Azud del Guadiana, Badajoz, on 16/09 (A. Fernández). One example at embalse del Jerte (CC) on 19/09 (J. Prieta). At the embalse del Cubilar, Logrosán (CC), one on 23/09 and 26/09 (E. Peña). One in the Sierra del Ladrillar, Las Hurdes (CC), on 25/09 (A. Pacheco). One at the embalse de Ahigal (CC) on 26/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Goshawk: One at Puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), caught a Bee Eater on 01/09 and a female at Ladrillar (CC) on 25/09 (A. Pacheco).
Hobby: One at puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 01/09 (A. Pacheco). One in Guijo de Granadilla (CC) on 04/09 (Ricardo Montero). An adult and a juvenile at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 27/09 (Dave Langlois).
Common Avocet: On 01/09 11 were seen at Los Canchales (BA) (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez) and 3 at the embalse de Villalba de los Barros (BA) (J. A. Román). At the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), 12 were present on 05/09 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista), 5 on 20/09 (F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. del Viejo and D. García), one on 23/09 (S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente) 5 new ones on 30/09 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey, E. Palacios, E. del Viejo, C. Clemente, A. Cangas, Arturo, Juande and Emi). One at the embalse del Salor, Cáceres, on 08/09 (C. Fernández). 17 examples at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 20/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Kentish Plover: One at the charca de Esparragalejo (BA) on 01/09 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez). One at the embalse de La Anguila, Serrejón (CC), on 02/09 (M. Carregal and G. Fernández). One at the embalse de Portaje (CC), 1 on 04/09 and 2 on 20/09 (S. Mayordomo). At the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), 3 on 16/09 (V. de Alba, I. Sánchez, F. Montaño, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo and A. Núñez) and 1 on 20/09 and 2 on 30/09 (S. Mayordomo, M. Llorente, M. García del Rey, J. Vázquez, J. Solana, F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. Palacios, E. Costillo, E. del Viejo, D. García, C. Clemente, A. Núñez, A. Cangas, Á. Díaz, Arturo, Juande and Emi). 9 individuals at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 22/09 (S. Mayordomo). 2 at the embalse del Ayuela, Casas de Don Antonio (CC) on 23/09 (C. Fernández).
Dotterel: 3 at Campanario (BA) on 09/09 (Juan Pablo Prieto -
photo- and José Luis Pérez Chiscano).
Spotted redshank: 2 individuals at El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (CC), on 03/09 (S. Molano). One at the charca de Morantes, Badajoz, 2 were seen on 10/09 and one on 24/09 (P. Herrador). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 26/09 (F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
Wood Sandpiper: One at the embalse de Valdecañas (BA) on 01/09 (S. Mayordomo). Att the laguna de Galisteo one was seen on 04/09 and 3 on 29/09 (S. Mayordomo, J. Prieta and E. Palacios). One at the charca de Morantes, Badajoz, on 10/09 (P. Herrador).
Buff-breasted Sandpiper: One at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 13/09 (S. Mayordomo, Miguel Ángel Muñoz and E. Palacios), 20/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 22/09 (Julio Ceballos and Antonio Ceballos). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 25/09 (J. Vázquez, J. Solana and A. Núñez). The third and fourth occurrence for Extremadura, and the first for Badajoz.
Sanderling: A juvenile at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 01/09 (S. Mayordomo
-photo-). One at the charca de Esparragalejo (BA) on 16/09 (V. de Alba, I. Sánchez, F. Montaño, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo and A. Núñez).
Turnstone: One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA), on 01/09 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez) and 05/09 (P. Herrador y J. L. Bautista).
Curlew Sandpiper: One at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 01/09 (J. Prieta). One at the charca de Esparragalejo (BA), 3 examples on 01/09 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez) and one on 26/09 (F. Montaño and A. Núñez). One at the charca de Morantes, Badajoz, on 10/09 (P. Herrador). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 22/09 (F. Montaño, E. Costillo and A. Núñez). A juvenile at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on 24/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 26/09 (J. Prieta).
Temmink's Stint: 2 at the charca de Morantes, Badajoz, on 23/09 (S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 25/09 (J. Vázquez).
Yellow-legged Gull: At the embalse de Valdecañas (CC), 3 individuals on 01/09 and 13 on 22/09 (S. Mayordomo). On at the river Guadiana en Badajoz on 16/09, 18/09 and 20/09 (J. C. Paniagua). One at the charcas de Manzanares, Campo Lugar (CC), on 22/09 (A. Calvo).
Caspian Tern: One at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 01/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Black Tern: 8 at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on15/09 (S. Mayordomo). 5 at the embalse de Valdecañas (CC) on 22/09 (S. Mayordomo). At the charca de Esparragalejo (BA), 2 on 22/09 (F. Montaño, E. del Viejo and A. Núñez), 23/09 (S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente) and 29/09 (M. Llorente and Á. Díaz), and one on 25/09 (J. Vázquez, J. Solana and A. Núñez).
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse: A groupl of 600 individuals at Llanos de Cáceres on 24/09 (Agustín Mogena).
Short-eared owl: 2 at the Canal de las Dehesas near at Gorbea (BA) on 26/09 (E. Peña).
Rose-ringed parakeet: One in Mérida (BA) on 24/09 (S. Pérez Gil).
Eurasian Wryneck: At Galisteo (CC), one on 04/09 and 24/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at Piornal (CC) on 13/09 (J. Prieta). In Plasencia (CC), 2 on 14/09 and 16/09 (R. Montero), and one on 22/09 (J. Prieta). At Azud del Guadiana, Badajoz, one on 14/09 (A. Fernández) yand another on 30/09 (J. C. Paniagua and Ángel T. Mejías). One at Ventaquemada, Guijo de Granadilla (CC), on 20/09and another at Torrejoncillo (CC) on 25/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Iberian Chiffchaff: Possible examples of these at puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 01/09 (A. Pacheco). Present in Monfragüe on 01/09 and 02/09 (M. Carregal and G. Fernández). One at Piornal (CC) on 25/09 (J. Prieta).
Garden Warbler: One at the Fuente del Francés, Monfragüe (CC), one on 02/09 (Isabel Cerrudo) and 2 on 19/09 (S. Mayordomo). One was caught and ringed at the arroyo Malvecino, Monfragüe (CC), on 07/09 and 5 at the River Gargáligas, Rena (BA), on 09/09 (GIA-Extremadura). At the River Jerte in Plasencia (CC), one on 10/09 and 17/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 3 on 30/09 (R. Montero). One at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on11/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Whitethroat: At Galisteo (CC), one on 04/09, 11/09 and 24/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 05/09 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista). A dead female found after hitting a window at Caceres Golf course, was found to have been ringed in Belgium. 3 were caught and ringed at the River Gargáligas, Rena (BA), on 09/09 and one at Las Cansinas, Monfragüe (CC), on 14/09 (GIA-Extremadura). At the River Jerte in Plasencia (CC) 4 were seen on 10/09, 2 on 17/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 3 on 30/09 (R. Montero). One at Peraleda de la Mata (CC) on 11/09 (Vicente Risco and Javier Briz). 2 at Piornal (CC) on 20/09 (J. Prieta). 6 at Ventaquemada, Oliva de Plasencia (CC), on 21/09 (S. Mayordomo). 4 at the River Guadiana in Badajoz on 29/09 (SEO-Badajoz). One in Monfragüe (CC) on 30/09 (J. Sánchez, Á. L. Sánchez and Á. Sánchez).
Spectacled Warbler: 10 were seen at La Roca de la Sierra (BA) on 10/09 (P. Herrador). PresOne at pico Espolón, Piornal (CC), on 13/09 (J. Prieta).
Rock Thrush: One male and 3 juveniles at puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 01/09 (A. Pacheco).
Redstart: One at puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 01/09 (A. Pacheco). In Galisteo (CC), a pair on 04/09 and a female on 29/09 (S. Mayordomo). At the embalse de Los Canchales, a male on 05/09 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista) and a female on 29/09 (M. Llorente and Á. Díaz). A male at Santibáñez el Alto (CC) eon06/09 (S. Mayordomo). A male caught and ringed at the arroyo Malvecino, Monfragüe (CC), on 06/09, and another 2 at Las Cansinas, Monfragüe (CC), on 14/09 and another young male at the River Guadámez, Don Benito (BA), on 30/09, where was also seen an adult male (GIA-Extremadura). A female in Monfragüe (CC) on 07/09 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey and C. Clemente). 2 in Peraleda de la Mata (CC) on 11/09 (V. Risco and J. Briz). At Piornal (CC) 11 were seen on 13/09 and 20/09, and 9 on 25/09 (J. Prieta
-photo-). Present at Cornalvo (BA) on 18/09 (José Ledo, J. Sánchez, Á. L. Sánchez and Á. Sánchez). More than 15 examples at Ventaquemada, Guijo de Granadilla (CC), on 21/09 (S. Mayordomo). Present at the River Alcollarín, Campo Lugar (CC), on 23/09 (A. Calvo). One in Ahigal (CC)onl 26/09 (S. Mayordomo). One in Plasencia (CC) on 30/09 (R. Montero).
Tree Pipit: At the end of the embalse del Jerte, Casas del Castañar (CC), 2 on 11/09 (S. mayordomo on E. Palacios), prone on 13/09 and 4 on 19/09 (J. Prieta).
Tawny Pipit: At the embalse de Portaje 5 were seen onl 01/09 (J. Prieta) and 8 on 04/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at Cerezo (CC) on 03/09 (A. Pacheco). One at Navalmoral de la Mata (CC) on 06/09 (Á. Sánchez -foto-). On11/09 3 were seen at La Roca de la Sierra (BA) (P. Herrador) and one in Medina de las Torres (BA) (V. de Alba and A. Núñez). In Guijo de Coria 2 were seen on 14/09 (J.Prieta) on 19/09 (Javier Mahillo and C. Clemente). One at La Anguila, Serrejón (CC), on 16/09 (S. Mayordomo, Pepe Guisado and M. García del Rey).
Yellow Wagtail: Males of the subspecies
M. f. flavissima: one at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 15/09 (S. Mayordomo). One at Badajoz on 22/09 (Mercedes Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Salgado and J. C. Paniagua). At the laguna de Galisteo (CC) one was seen on 24/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 2 on 26/09 (J. Prieta). A male of the scandanavian subspecies
M. f. thunbergi: One at Galisteo (CC) eon29/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Crossbill: Several specimens in the Sierra de Ladrillar, las Hurdes (HS-CC), 12/09 (A. Pacheco).
Wigeon: An eclipse male at the embalse de La Anguila, Serrejón (CC), on 16/09 (S. Mayordomo, Pepe Guisado and Manolo García del Rey). One at El Manantío, Aldea del Cano (CC) on 29/09 (J. Prieta).
Pintail: At the laguna de Galisteo (CC), 2 on 01/09 (J. Prieta) and 3 on 04/09 (S. Mayordomo). A pair at the embalse de Portaje (CC) on 20/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Tufted Duck: A female at El Manantío, Aldea del Cano (CC), on 29/09 (J. Prieta).
Hen Harrier: A male at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 20/09 (F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. del Viejo and D. García) and 30/09 (C. Clemente). A female at Galisteo (CC) on 29/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Skylark: 3 at Portaje Reservoir (CC) 20/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Common Chiffchaff: 2 at Peraleda de la Mata (CC) 1on 1/09 (V. Risco and J. Briz). One at Ahigal (CC) on 26/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Bluethroat: One in the rice fields at Guadiana del Caudillo (BA) on 11/09 (P. Herrador). 3 at the gravel pit of Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), on 12/09 (S. Mayordomo). At the laguna de Galisteo (CC) one was seen on 16/09 (E. Palacios) and a male on 24/09 (S. Mayordomo). A male and a female were caught and ringed at the arroyo Budión, Rena (BA), on 23/09 (GIA-Extremadura).
Meadow Pipit: One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 15/09 (A. Calvo). One at Galisteo on 16/09 (C. Clemente) and 18/09 (S. Mayordomo). The massive influx across the region normally starts from 30/09.
Common Quail: 2 at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 30/09 (María Llorente y Álvaro Díaz).
Purple Heron: One in Plasencia (CC) on 22/09 (J. Prieta). One in Medellín (BA) on 26/09 (F. Yuste).
Black Kite: One in Riolobos (CC) on 01/09 (J. Prieta). A juvenile in Monfragüe on 11/09 (M. García del Rey).
Egyptian Vulture: 2 at Portaje (CC) on 15/09 (S. Mayordomo). 2 birds, a 4 year old and another 1 year old at Aldea del Cano (CC) on 22/09 (S. Molano and A. Fernández). An immature at Portilla del Tiétar, Monfragüe (CC), on 29/09 (José Luis Rivero).
Montagu's harrier: A dark morph individual: One at Ovejuela, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 07/09 (A. Pacheco
-photo-). One at the pico Espolón, Piornal (CC), on 13/09 (J. Prieta).
Lesser Kestrel: One at Los Canchales (BA) on 20/09 (F. Montaño, F. Lopo, F. Castro, E. del Viejo, D. García). One was seen in the City of Badajoz on 21/09 (A. Fernández) and 30/09 (J. Solana).
Turtle Dove: One at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) on 05/09 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista)
Common Swift: On 01/09 some individuals were seen at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez) and 3 in Monfragüe (M. Carregal and G. Fernández). 4 at Villalba de los Barros (BA) on 07/09 (F. Montaño).
Pallid Swift: 2 still in their breeding colony at Piornal (CC) on 20/09 and one in Plasencia (CC) on 14/09 (J. Prieta). At the embalse de Ahigal (CC) one on 26/09 (S. Mayordomo). In Alange (BA), where the species is partially resident, it is estimated there were 110 birds on 30/09 (Á. Sánchez).
Red Necked Nightjar: On 26/09 one was seen in Mérida (BA) (J. Solana) and another at Canal de las Dehesas (BA) (E. Peña). One at the embalse de Orellana (BA) on 29/09 (M. Llorente and Á. Díaz).
European Bee Eater: On 11/09 various individuals were seen at Peraleda de la Mata (CC) (V. Risco and J. Briz) and one at the back of the embalse del Jerte (CC) (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios).
Woodchat Shrike: 2 juveniles in Plasencia (CC) on 17/09 and another at Galisteo (CC) on 18/09 (S. Mayordomo). A juvenile at Toril (CC) on 26/09 (M. García del Rey).
Bonelli's Warbler: One in Monfragüe on 19/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Sedge Warbler: One at the laguna de Galisteo (CC) on 11/09 (S. Mayordomo).
Melodious Warbler: One at the Fuente del Francés, Monfragüe (CC), on 19/09 (S. Mayordomo). On 22/09 2 were seen at the embalse de Los Canchales (BA) (F. Montaño, E. Costillo and A. Núñez) and one in Plasencia (CC) (J. Prieta).
Common Nightingale: 2 at Piornal (CC) on 13/09 (J. Prieta). One at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 21/09 (D. Langlois). One in Plasencia (CC) on 30/09 (R. Montero).
Rufous Bush Robin: One in Almedralejo (BA) on 10/09 (Lorenzo Alcántara).
Black Eared Wheatear: One at puerto de Esperabán, Pinofranqueado (CC), on 01/09 (A. Pacheco). 5 at Peraleda de la Mata (CC) on 11/09 (V. Risco and J. Briz).
Ortolan Bunting: 2 at Galisteo (CC) eon04/09 (S. Mayordomo) and 30 at La Roca de la Sierra (BA) on 09/09 (P. Herrador).