Thursday, 27 February 2014


 Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus). 2º year bird. Santiago del Campo-Monroy, Cáceres, 4th May 2013 (John Dreyer Andersen).

Extremadura is a region at the periphery of a country at the periphery of Europe. It is a place about which generally little is spoken of across the continent, apart from about birds. For example there is the Facebook group "Extremadura Birdwatching", created by Ib Helles Olesen, a Dane living in Copenhagen, giving information about birds in Extremadura and taking into account posts from this blog. Interesting records also appear. One example is a photograph of a Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus), a second-year immature, seen in the district of Cuatro Lugares, close to Monroy (Cáceres), on 4 May 2013 by another DaneJohn D. Andersen.

We had a
post in June 2013 about this species concerning a sighting near Trujillo which was of another individual (a subadult). In that post there is further information about the status of the species in Extremadura. The record described here from Monroy would be the fifth confirmed record in Extremadura, all of them in steppe areas (La Serena, Llanos de Cáceres-Trujillo, Cuatro Lugares), apart from one in Plasencia. The species has been recorded in January, May (2 records) and June (two records) and all pertain to immature birds.

We thank Ib Helles for his initiative in spreading the news and look forward to further collaboration in the future.

Saturday, 22 February 2014


Snow Finch (Montifringilla nivalis). Peña de Francia (Salamanca).  
14th November 2012. Ricardo Montero.


A Snow Finch (Montifringilla nivalis), the first one seen with certainty in Extremadura, was recorded on 19th February 2014 on the Jálama peak (Acebo, Cáceres) by Alberto Gil whilst he was undertaking a botanical study. The individual (not photographed) was present on patches of snow top of the peak, at about 1,500 metres above sea-level, the third highest point in the Sierra de Gata and on the border with Salamanca province. It was seen perched and in flight and giving its typical call. There were close-by four Alpine Accentors (Prunella collaris), which are scarce but not unusual in Extremadura in the winter.
The high montane habitat is poorly represented in Extremadura. Given its scarcity and difficult access, it is little visited by ornithologists, and therefore it is not unusual that it is Alberto Gil (see personal blog), an experienced naturalist with a wide knowledge of montane flora, who has provided us with most of the knowledge about alpine-zone bird species in Extremadura, especially in the breeding season (read more).
It is important to note that in the map for this species in the Atlas of Birds in Winter in Spain (PDF) there is a spot record in the centre of Cáceres. This is based on a record published in error in Ardeola and withdrawn shortly afterwards.
The Snow Finch is a high montane Palaearctic species. The nearest breeding populations are in the Cantabrian Mounatins, the Pyrenees and the Alps, where they occupy the highest zones, in alpine pasture or scrub, very close to the snow-line. Although the winter distribution is very similar to the breeding range, with a small descent because of snow coverage (about 400 metre descent in the Picos de Europa), wider movements have recently been shown for the population in the Alps (Switzerland and Austria) that have reached the eastern Pyrenees, with displacement of more than 1,000 km. In Span there are several records in the mountains of the Mediterranean arc, between Catalonia and Alicante. As well as on the Balearics. There are also records in the Sierra Nevada and in Portugal (four records, three of them on the coast, including one of Cape St. Vincent). Almost in Extremadura, there are at least five known records on the Salamanca slope of the Sistema Central, referring to groups of between 1 and 25 birds on the Sierras of Candelario, Lagunilla and Peña de Francia. The record posted here extends it presence to west, being perhaps the first in the Sierra de Gata, and suggests that the Snow Finch. Although scarce, may occur more often than thought in the Sistema Central. Determining the origin of this bird is complicated, since although the breeding area in the Cantabrian Mountains is closest, ringing data would not rule out either a Pyrenean or even an Alpine origin.
-Anuarios ornitológicos de Salamanca. SEO-Salamanca [PDF].
- Fernández-González, Á. & Fernández-Menéndez, D. 2012. Gorrión alpino. En Atlas de las aves en invierno en España 2007-201. SEO/BirdLife y Magrama [
- SEO/BirdLife. Base de datos de anillamiento.
Gorrión alpino [PDF].
- Noticiarios ornitológicos. Ardeola.

Thursday, 20 February 2014



Almost at the very end of 2013, on 30th December, Fergus Crystal had the good fortune to find a Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz), in the district of Vegas Altas, which straddles the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz. As we posted earlier, this was only the second record in Extremadura of this rare American wader. The first was a bird on autumn passage (08/08/1999, Valdesalor reservoir, Cáceres). This second bird is particularly interesting because it is one of the very few confirmed over-wintering records in the Iberian peninsula. The bird has remained in the same area in which it was first discovered in December. This winter it seems that one or two Lesser Yellowlegs have also stayed on in the Algarve (Portugal). This magnificent photo (above) published by Santiago Avis serves as a deserved excuse to provide you with an update on this bird.
It was first found on 30th December 2013 (F. Crystal), and seen again that same afternoon (Marc Gálvez, José Guerra, José Gómez Aparicio). On 7th January 2014 it was relocated by Martin Kelsey in an adjacent area, where it was seen on 8th (Alberto Gil) and on 11th January (Juan Pablo Prieto, Francisco Montaño, Sergio Mayordomo, César Clemente, Javier Prieta, Eva Palacios, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra, Antonio Calvo, Pepe Guisado, Pilar Goñi and Neil Reinwick) and then on 10th (M. Kelsey) and 18th February (S. Avís).

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

JANUARY 2014. Notable observations in Extremadura

Translated by Martin Kelsey.

Annotated list of the most interesting records in Extremadura in January 2014. Compiled and illustration - Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus), by Sergio Mayordomo. Translated by Martin Kelsey. Census team for the Vegas Altas (ECVA): José María Abad, Marcelino Cardalliaguet, Benigno Cienfuegos, Joaquín Fernández, Manuel Gómez Calzado, Carlos González, Luis Lozano, José Antonio Masero, Javier Prieta, Juan Pablo Prieto, Domingo Rivera, Ángel Sánchez, Ángel Luis Sánchez, Daniel Vicente, Fernando Yuste, Manuel Gómez and F. Borja.

- White-fronted Goose: Two adults at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 05/01 (Javier Prieta) and a juvenile there on 10/01 (César Clemente and Sergio Mayordomo). One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 13/01 (Marc Gálvez and José Guerra).
 Egyptian Goose: Two at Marinejo reservoir, Trujillo (CC), on 05/01 (S. Mayordomo). 30 at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 11/01 (Eva Palacios and J. Prieta). Three at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 13/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Two at Alcollarín (BA) on 25/01 (Antonio Calvo). Five at Arce de Abajo reservoir, Brozas (CC), on 27/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo) and on 29/01 (Manolo Iglesias). 24 at La Serena reservoir (BA) on 29/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). 38 Cubilar reservoir, Logrosán (CC), on 30/01 (Chris Cook, John Muddeman, Angela Plumb and Trevor Plumb).
 Ruddy Shelduck: One at Holguera (CC) on 10/01 (J. Prieta) and possibly the same bird at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 13/01 (S. Mayordomo) and 19/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo).
 Shelduck: Four at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 08/01 (Alberto Gil). One at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 10/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). Three at Gargáligas reservoir, Puebla de Alcocer (BA), on 11/01 (C. Clemente, M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). 16 at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 11/01 (E. Palacios and J. Prieta). Two at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 13/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra) and six on 24/01 (Elvira del Viejo). Six at Palancoso lagoon, Navalmoral de la Mata (CC), on 23/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). Three at El Torviscal (BA) on 23/01 (Juan Pablo Prieto). One at La Serena reservoir (BA) on 29/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
 Red-crested Pochard: Six at large lagoon at La Albuera (BA) on 11/01 (Juan Carlos Paniagua) and seven on 25/01 (Paco Mendoza and J. C. Paniagua). At least five at Alange reservoir (BA) on 14/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Five at Tentudía reservoir, Calera de León (BA), on 18/01 (Alberto Pacheco). Eight at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 24/01 (E. del Viejo). 10 at Orellana reservoir (BA) on 28/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
 Ferruginous Duck: Five at Los Calles pool, Toril (CC), on 05/01 (J. Prieta) and three there on 12/01 (E. Palacios).
 Quail: At least eight at Taliga (BA) on 26/01 (Ángel T. Mejías).
 Great Crested Grebe: More than 500 at Alange reservoir (BA) on 14/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
 Black-necked Grebe: One at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 05/01 (S. Mayordomo) and on 09/01 (Martin Kelsey); and three on 11/01 (SEO-Extremadura). One at Brozas pool (CC) on 27/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). 60 at Orellana reservoir (BA) on 28/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Five at La Serena reservoir (BA) on 29/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
 Great Bittern: One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 17/01 (José Gómez Aparicio), on 18/01 (Javier Briz) and on 19/01 (J. Briz and J. Guerra).
 Squacco Heron: Two on Guadiana River in Badajoz on 12/01 (J. C. Paniagua) and one on 16/01 (J. Guerra). One at Rena (BA) on 21/01 (Luis Lozano). One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 25/01 (S. Mayordomo) and on 26/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb, T. Plumb and Santiago Villa). One at Sierra de Fuentes pools (CC) on 26/01, where present for some of winter (Estela Herguido).
 Black Stork: Four at Campillo de Llerena reservoir (BA) on 05/01 (Paco Macías). Two at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 09/01 (M. Kelsey) and three on 30/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb and T. Plumb). One at Valuengo reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 10/01 (Vanessa de Alba and Antonio Núñez). Two on Ardila River (BA) on 11/01 (E. del Viejo). Two on Fresnedillas pool, Oliva de Plasencia (CC), on 12/01 (José María Herranz). One at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 13/01 (Francisco Montaño, A. Núñez and Joaquín Vázquez). Three at Navalvillar de Pela (BA) on 21/01 (Manuel Gómez Calzado). One at Monfragüe (CC) on 22/01 (Rubén Serradilla). One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 26/01 (Antonio Calvo and J. P. Prieto). One at Llanos de Brozas (CC) on 27/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One at Puerto Peña, Talarrubias (BA), on 31/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
Glossy Ibis: One at Hitos de Abajo, Campo Lugar (CC), on 01/01 (A. Calvo). One at Riolobos rice fields (CC) on 10/01 (J. Prieta). One at pool at Lugar de Malpartida de Cáceres (CC) on 12/01 (Francisco Javier Caballero) and on 16/01 (M. Iglesias). Four at El Torviscal (BA) on 23/01 (J. P. Prieto).
 Spoonbill: 12 at Los Canchales reservoir (CC) on 11/01 (E. Costillo) and 17 on 13/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Two at Galisteo (CC) on 13/01 (S. Mayordomo). One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 14/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Two at Moral reservoir, Los Santos de Maimona (BA), on 17/01 (V. de Alba, F. Montaño and A. Núñez).
 Black Kite: Four at Villanueva de la Serena landfill (BA) on 05/01 and three on 12/01 (Chema Traverso). One at Santa Amalia (BA) on 16/01 (Antonio M. Mendoza). One at Navalvillar de Pela (BA) on 21/01 (Juan Antonio Barquero).
Egyptian Vulture: An adult at Torrecillas de la Tiesa (CC) on 10/01 (Alfredo Ortega). Two at Torrejoncillo (CC) on 19/01 (S. Mayordomo). One at Canchos de Ramiro, Cachorrilla (CC), and two at Acehúche (CC) on 23/01 (J. M. Moreras, P. Rodríguez and Ángel Sánchez). One at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (CC), on 30/01 (M. Kelsey and Neil Renwick).
 Goshawk: One at Gévora River, Alburquerque (BA), on 11/01 (Godfried Schreur and Pedro Schreur). One at Oliva de Mérida (BA) on 15/01 (J. Guerra). One at Alcántara reservoir (CC) on 24/01 (S. Mayordomo). A female at Montehermoso (CC) on 26/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). A female at Las Mestas (CC) on 26/01 (A. Pacheco). One at Brozas (CC) on 27/01 (M. Iglesias).
Booted Eagle: A pale morph at River Gévora, Badajoz, on 01/01 (José Antonio Molina, Mª Rocío Molina, Sabas Molina F. and Sabas Molina R.). A dark morph at El Almendral (BA) on 06/01 (Juan Carlos Delgado). One at Guadiana River, Badajoz, on 31/01 (Jesús Sánchez).
 Osprey: One at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (CC) on 08/01 (A. Pacheco). One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 13/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra) and on 24/01 (E. del Viejo). One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 25/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo).
 Common Crane: 63,205 in the central zone (BA/CC) on 24/01 (M. Gómez Calzado and José Antonio Román).
 Black-winged Stilt: 1,649 in the Vegas Altas (BA/CC) on 21/01 (ECVA).
 Avocet: Six at Hitos de Abajo, Campo Lugar (CC), on 01/01 (A. Calvo) and 23 on 05/01 (M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and S. Mayordomo). Three at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 08/01 (A. Gil) and on 12/01 (Lorenzo Alcántara). One at Medellín (BA) on 21/01 (F. Yuste).
 Kentish Plover: Three at Hitos de Abajo, Campo Lugar (CC), on 01/01 (A. Calvo). Four at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 01/01 (A. Calvo) and on 08/01 (A. Gil), 22 on 09/01 (J. P. Prieto), 8 on 11/01 (SEO-Extremadura), 24 on 12/01 (L. Alcántara) and 34 on 21/01 (Marcelino Cardalliaguet and J. P. Prieto). Three at Santa Amalia (BA) on 11/01 (F. Montaño and Gema Montaño), 41 on 21/01 (J. Prieta) and three on 30/01 (A. M. Mendoza).
 Dotterel: Seven at Hinojal (CC) on 12/01 (E. Palacios) and six on 24/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo), on 27/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb and T. Plumb) and on 31/01 (M. Kelsey). At La Serena (BA): 2 at Cabeza del Buey, 3 at Castuera and 18 on the cañada real Segoviana on 24/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra), the latter group remaining at least until 25/01 (E. del Viejo). One at Granja de Torrehermosa (BA) on 26/01 (Miguel Corvillo).
 Grey Plover: Two at Logrosán (CC) on 12/01 (Noelia Baeza and Jorge Ángel Herrera).
 Little Stint: 446 in the Vegas Altas (BA/CC) on 21/01 (ECVA).
 Temminck’s Stint: One at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 21/01 (M. Cardalliaguet and J. P. Prieto).
 Dunlin: 4,217 on the Vegas Altas (BA/CC) on 21/01 (ECVA).
 Ruff: 572 on the Vegas Altas (BA/CC) on 21/01 (ECVA).
- Curlew: One at Palazuelo (BA) on 02/01 (A. Calvo). Two at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 07/01 (M. Kelsey), four on 08/01 (A. Gil), 19 on 09/01 (J. P. Prieto), 9 on 11/01 (J. Guerra and S. Mayordomo) and 15 on 21/01 (M. Cardalliaguet and J. P. Prieto). Three at Santa Amalia (BA) on 11/01 (F. Montaño and G. Montaño). Three at Hernán Cortes (BA) (J. Prieta) and three at Villanueva de la Serena (BA) (Carlos González) on 21/01. Two at Hitos de Abajo, Campo Lugar (CC), on 28/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb and T. Plumb).
 Lesser Yellowlegs: One at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 07/01 (M. Kelsey), on 08/01 (A. Gil), on 09/01 (Jesús Porras and Rufino) and on 11/01 (SEO-Extremadura).
 Wood Sandpiper: Six at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 01/01 (A, Calvo). Five at Rena (BA) on 21/01 (L. Lozano). Two at El Torviscal (BA) on 23/01 (J. P. Prieto).
 Mediterranean Gull: One at Villanueva de la Serena (BA) on 21/01 (C. González).
 Yellow-legged Gull: Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 10/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). Three at Villar de Rena (BA) on 21/01 (Ángel Sánchez).
 Little Gull: A juvenile at Orellana reservoir (BA) on 28/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra) and on 30/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb and T. Plumb). An adult at Navalvillar de Pela (BA) on 30/01 (C. Cook, J. Muddeman, A. Plumb and T. Plumb).
 Caspian Tern: One at Alqueva reservoir, Villarreal (BA), on 16/01 (Joaquín Mazón).
-White-winged Black Tern: One at Orellana Reservoir (BA) on 09/01, on16/01 (William Haworth) and on 28/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
 Stock Dove: Two at El Sotillo reservoir, Monroy (CC), on 12/01 (E. Palacios). Six on rice fields at Riolobos (CC) on 13/01 (S. Mayordomo). Four at Galisteo (CC) on 26/01 (J. Prieta).
 Tawny Owl: A fledged chick at the university campus at Badajoz on 13/01 (E. Costillo).
 Short-eared Owl: One at Hernán Cortés (BA) on 21/01 (J. M. Abad and J. A. Masero). One at Valdehornillos (BA) on 23/01 (J. A. Román).
 Pallid Swift: At least one at Alange (BA) on 09/01 (Jesús Solana) and on 14/01 (J. Guerra).
 Hoopoe: A leucistic individual between Yelbes and Valdetorres (BA) on 29/01 (J. A. Román).
 Wryneck: One at Matachel River, Alange (BA) on 09/01 (J. Guerra). One in pinewood at Garrovillas (CC) on 12/01 (S. Mayordomo). One at Cedillo (CC) on 18/01 (G. Schreur and P. Schreur). One at Malpartida de Plasencia (CC) on 18/01 (S. Mayordomo). One at La Parra (BA) on 18/01 (V. de Alba and A. Núñez). One at Valdecigüeñas, Puebla del Maestre (BA), on 23/01 (M. Gálvez). Three at El Batán (CC) on 24/01 (Ricardo Montero, Jenny Torfs and Michel Viskens).
 Pied Wagtail: One at Riolobos rice fields (CC) on 13/01 (S. Mayordomo). One at Cedillo (CC) on 18/01 (G. Schreur and P. Schreur). One at Brozas pool (CC) on 27/01 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo).
 Moustached Warbler: One at Puebla de Alcollarín (BA) on 08/01 (A. Gil). One at Budión stream, Rena (BA), on 21/01 (L. Lozano).
 Goldcrest: Two at Granadilla pines (CC) on 20/01 (S. Mayordomo).
 Bearded Tit: A male at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 25/01 (S. Mayordomo).
 Brambling: A male in Gata valley (CC) on 26/01 (S. Mayordomo).
 Common Crossbill: Seven at Riomalo de Arriba (CC) on 08/01 (S. Mayordomo). Several at Ladrillar (CC) on 21/01 (A. Pacheco). 

 Lesser Kestrel: Two at Almendralejo (BA) on 29/01 (J. A. Román).
 Great Spotted Cuckoo: Two at Santa Marta de Magasca (CC) on 11/01 (M. Kelsey). Two at Villamesías (CC) on 25/01 (A. Calvo).
 Barn Swallow: Four at Alange (BA) on 04/01 (P. Macías) and one on 14/01 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). One in Trujillo (CC) on 14/01 (N. Renwick).
 House Martin: One in Mérida (BA) on 03/01, three on 05/01 (J. Solana) and two on 09/01 (A. Calvo). Three at La Codosera (BA) (P. Schreur) and present at Villanueva de la Serena (BA) (J. P. Prieto) on 09/01. Present in Alange (BA) throughout the whole month (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Pintail (Anas acuta). Female 2º year. Carrying a pale blue nasal band [12]. It was marked in the Gargáligas reservoir (Badajoz) on 11th December 2012 and was seen in northern France on its first spring migration (2nd March 2013) and at Galisteo (Cáceres) eon its second autumn journey (25th September 2013, photo). Most of the Pintail that winter in Spain originate from northern Russia.

During 2013 SEO/BirdLife brought its vast databank from ringing up to date (more than seven million birds ringed and about 400,000 recoveries). With this information now updated, members of the public can now access it through a new app through which one can consult the information, which is updated every day. Furthermore, it allows one to enter recoveries as well as requesting data on ringing and recoveries for scientific study.

In 2013 SEO/BirdLife took over the tracking management from ICONA, which had been responsible for the scientific ringing of wild birds, following a pause of two years, because of lack of funding from the Ministry of the Environment. During 2013 59,500 data were handled, that is to say 59,500 tales of travelling birds. Amongst them, we would like to highlight two related to Extremadura. Sadly, in both cases, the information came from birds killed by hunters.
The first, a Pintail (Anas acuta) was ringed by the University of Extremadura in Badajoz province in 2009 and recovered in June 2013 in Archangel (in the north of European Russia) a distance of 4,243 km. It represented the longest distance recovery from Extremadura in 2013 and the second longest from Spain.

The second, a Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) was ringed as a nestling in Estonia (in Toolse, Laane-Virumaa) on 20th June 2013 and recovered on 17th November the same year in Olivenza (Badajoz) after 3,307 kms from its place of origin and 168 days afterwards. This was the second longest journey recorded in 2013.