Tuesday 15 April 2014

MARCH 2014. Notable observations in Extremadura

Annotated list of the most noteworthy records throughout March 2014. Compiled and with illustration above of Lesser Kestrel, adult male (Falco naumanni), by Sergio Mayordomo.

Translated by MARTIN KELSEY.
-Barnacle Goose: Two remained in Santa Amalia (BA) on 05/03 (Marc Gálvez, Jose Guerra -photo- and Julio Merayo), 07/03 (Vanessa de Alba, Antonio Núñez and Fernando Yuste) and 16/03 (Lorenzo Alcántara).
Egyptian Goose: Two at Tozo reservoir, Torrecillas de la Tiesa (CC) on 08/03 (Genaro Sánchez) and 25/03 (Martin Kelsey). Eight at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 15/03 (Sergio Mayordomo and Eva Palacios). Two at the Campazo lagoon, La Aldea del Obispo (CC), on 27/03 (Neil Renwick).
Common Shelduck: Seven at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 08/03 (A. Núñez) and 11/03 (Jose Antonio Román). Seven at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 15/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). Nine at Sierra Brava reservoir, Zorita (CC), on 28/03 (M. Kelsey).
Red-crested Pochard: A male at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 07/03 (Juan Carlos Paniagua), two pairs there on 08/03 (A. Núñez), 09/03 (F. Montaño) and 17/03 (Francisco Lopo). 12 at Valdelagrana pools, La Albuera (BA) on 10/03 (Albert Cama, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and Matxalen Pauly). A pair at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 26/03 (M. Kelsey). 
-Ferruginous Duck: A pair at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 13/03 (M. Kelsey), 16/03 (S. Mayordomo -photo- and E. Palacios) and 21/03 (Javier Briz), and two males and a female on 30/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 21/03 (A. Núñez).
Common Pheasant: A female at Madrigalejo (CC) on 07/03 (M. Kelsey). One at Oliva de Mérida (BA) on 09/03 (Paco Bernáldez, M. Gálvez and P. Macías). Four at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 22/03 (Dave Langlois). A m,ale beside road between Trujillo and Monroy (CC) on 29/03 (M. Kelsey).
Black-necked Grebe: One at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 03/03 (L. Alcántara and M. Kelsey). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 13/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). Three at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 26/03 (M. Kelsey).
Squacco heron: One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios) and 21/03 (J. Briz). Two at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 25/03 (F. Montaño and Joaquín Vázquez).
-Glossy Ibis: One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 07/03 and 28/03 (M. Kelsey). 22 at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 21/03 (J. Briz), five there on 23/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios), seven on 28/03, 11 on 29/03 (J. Briz) and five on 30/03 (S. Mayordomo -photo- y E. Palacios). Three at Madrigalejo (CC) on 27/03 and 28/03 (Henk Zweers).
Greater flamingo: 22 at La Albuera lagoons (BA) between 03/03 and 13/03 (A. Cama, Juan Cuesta, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra, M. Kelsey, A. Núñez, M. Pauly and J. A. Román).
Pallid harrier: An adult male over Alange (BA) on 16/03 (M. Gálvez). Another adult male at Higuera de Llerena (BA) on 26/03 (M. Gálvez, J. Guerra, F. Montaño and Celestino Moreno).
Osprey: One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 13/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra), three on 17/03 (J. Guerra) and two on 29/03 (J. Guerra and John Muddeman). One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at Salor reservoir, Cáceres, on 16/03 (Alberto Sánchez). One at Cornalvo reservoir (BA) on 16/03 (Ángel T. Mejías).One at Valverde de Mérida (BA) on 27/03 (J. Guerra). One at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 30/03 (F. Lopo).
Little Crake: A male at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA) on 27/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra) and on 28/03 (Eduardo Amengual, V. de Alba, M. Gálvez, F. Lopo, F. Montaño, A. Núñez and Jesús Solana).
Red-knobbed Coot: Two, one with collar, at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 08/03 (Pedro Mangas, Carmen Montaño and A. Núñez) and one without collar on 13/03 (Gustavo Gahete, P. Mangas and F. Montaño) and 14/03 (V. de Alba, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and A. Núñez).
Avocet: 26 in the rice fields at Palazuelo (BA) on 06/03 (Juan Pablo Prieto and Godfried Schreur). Two at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 09/03 (F. Montaño) and one there on 10/03 (A. Cama, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and M. Pauly). One at Torviscal (BA) on 17/03 (M. Gálvez).
Kentish Plover: Two at Palazuelo (BA) on 06/03 (J. P. Prieto and G. Schreur). Two at Santa Amalia (BA) on 07/03 (V. de Alba, A. Núñez and F. Yuste). Three at Moheda Alta on 21/03 and eight at Casas de Hitos, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 28/03 (M. Kelsey).
Temminck's Stint: One at El Torviscal (BA) on 17/03 (M. Gálvez). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 18/03 (J. Guerra). One at Palazuelo (BA) on 21/03 (M. Kelsey).
Jack Snipe: One at Villagonzalo (BA) on 13/03 (M. Gálvez). One at Arrocampo (CC) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo). One at Palazuelo (BA) on 17/03 (M. Gálvez).
Woodcock: One at Bodonal de la Sierra (BA) on 02/03 (F. Montaño).
Curlew: One at Palazuelo (BA) on 06/03 (J. P. Prieto and G. Schreur).
Lesser Yellowlegs: The over-wintering bird remaining at Palazuelo (BA) on 06/03 (J. P. Prieto and G. Schreur) and on 10/03 (M. Kelsey).
Wood Sandpiper: One at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 10/03 (S. Mayordomo and J. Prieta). One at Valdefuentes gravbel pits, Galisteo (CC), on 19/03 (S. Mayordomo). Three at Galisteo lagoon (CC) on 22/03 (Javier Mahillo, S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at Galisteo rice fields (CC) on 26/03 (S. Mayordomo). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 27/03 (J. Guerra). One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 30/03 (A. Calvo).
Mediterranean Gull: Two at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 03/03 (M. Gálvez) and one on 13/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra). One at Santa Amalia (BA) on 07/03 (V. de Alba, A. Núñez and F. Yuste).
Common Gull: One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 13/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
Yellow-legged Gull: One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 03/03 (M. Gálvez). One at Alange reservoir (BA) on 12/03 (J. A. Román). Two at Valdecañas reservoir (CC) on 15/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One on Guadiana River at Badajoz on 29/03 (J. C. Paniagua).
Little tern: 12 on Guadiana River in Mérida (BA) on 02/03 (Ángel Sánchez).
Long-eared Owl: One at Pago de San Clemente (CC) on 12/03 (M. Kelsey).
-Wryneck: One at Palazuelo (BA) on 18/03 (A. Davies and R. Miller). One on trail at Navacebreda, Plasencia (CC) on 20/03 (S. Mayordomo). One at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (BA), on 21/03 (M. Kelsey).
Alpine Accentor: One at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (CC), on 02/03 (V. de Alba, Esther Charles, Eva Juarros, S. Mayordomo, E. Palacios, José Portillo, Diego Santamaría and Ivana). One at Montánchez castle (CC) on 08/03 (J. Nolan and G. Schreur). Four on Pico Villuercas (CC) on 09/03 (M. Kelsey). Two at Casares de Hurdes (CC) on 22/03 (Alberto Pacheco).
Bearded Tit: One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 08/03 (J. Briz, M. García del Rey, D. Langlois and Sammy Langlois -photo-), two males and a female there on 13/03 (M. Kelsey) and one on 30/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios).
Garganey: A male at Galisteo lagoon (CC) on 07/03 (S. Mayordomo). A male at La Albuera lagoons (BA) on 08/03 (A. Núñez) and 09/03 (Francisco Montaño). A pair at Majadas Altas, Campo Lugar (CC), on 10/03 (M. Kelsey) and on 15/03 (Antonio Calvo). A male at Brovales reservoir, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA) on 21/03 (F. Montaño).
Montagu's Harrier: A male at Morante, Badajoz, on 10/03 (F. Lopo). Two males at Santa Marta de Magasca (CC) on 16/03 (Alan Davies and Ruth Miller). Two males and a female at La Albuera (BA) on 17/03 (F. Lopo).
Booted Eagle: One at Jaraicejo (CC) on 09/03 (César Clemente and Manolo García del Rey). One at Casas del Castañar (CC) on 10/03 (Javier Prieta). One at Galisteo (CC) on 10/03 (Ricardo Montero and J. Prieta).
Collared Pratincole: 12 at Villalba de los Barros reservoir (BA) on 20/03 (José María Álvarez). One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 22/03 (A. Calvo). 14 at Valverde de Mérida (BA) on 27/03 (J. Guerra).
Gull-billed tern: Two at Casas de Hitos, Navalvillar de Pela (BA) on 01/04 (M. Kelsey). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 31/03 (M. Gálvez). Present at Villalba de los Barros (BA) on 05/04 (J. M. Álvarez). Three at Los Canchales reservoir (BA) on 06/04 (J. L. Bautista).
Whiskered Tern: The over-wintering bird remained on River Guadiana in Mérida (BA) on 01/03 (Juan José Ramos Encalado), on 06/03 (Á. Sánchez) and on 08/03 (Jeremy Nolan and G. Schreur). Arrivals: One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 30/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra) and on 31/03 (Claudia Camacho, M. Gálvez and M. Kelsey).
Turtle Dove: One at Feria (BA) on 15/03 and another at Almendralejo (BA) on 30/03 (Agustín Giraldo and Antonio María Sánchez).
Common Cuckoo: One at Burguillos del Cerro (BA) on 05/03 (Francisco José Durán). One at Oliva de Mérida (BA) on 09/03 (P. Bernáldez, M. Gálvez and P. Macías). One at Trujillo (CC) on 11/03 (J. Muddeman).First female at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 30/03 (D. Langlois).
Scops Owl: One at Pago de San Clemente (CC) on 12/03 (M. Kelsey). Three at Plasencia on 16/03 (J. Prieta) and one mobbed by Magpies on 20/03 (S. Mayordomo).
Red-necked Nightjar: One at Campo Lugar (CC) on 22/03 (A. Calvo).
Common Swift: Present at Feria (BA) on 15/03 (A. Giraldo and A. M. Sánchez). One at Sierra de Alor, Olivenza (BA) on 23/03 anbd several at Badajozonl 26/03 (J. C. Paniagua).
European Bee-eater: Several at Plasencia (CC) on 18/03 (Miguel Ángel Muñoz). Also at Burguillos del Cerro (BA) on 21/03 (F. J. Durán). Several at Torremejía (BA) on 22/03 (A. Giraldo and A. M. Sánchez).
Greater Short-toed Lark: Three at Santiago del Campo (CC) on 21/03 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). Two at Campo Lugar (CC) on 22/03 (A. Calvo) and one there on 28/03 (M. Kelsey).
Tree Pipit: One at Plasencia (CC) on 20/03 (J. L. Bautista) and another there on 02/04 (S. Mayordomo). Two at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 27/03 (M. Kelsey).
Yellow Wagtail: One at Soto gravel pit, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 13/03 (J. Guerra). One at El Torviscal (BA) on 17/03 (M. Gálvez). One at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (CC) on 19/03 (S. Mayordomo).
Common Nightingale: One at Brovales, Jerez de los Caballeros (BA), on 21/03 (F. Montaño). One at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 29/03 (D. Langlois) and another at Alange (BA) (E. Amengual and M. Gálvez).One at Llera (BA) on 30/03 (V. de Alba and A. Núñez).
Common Redstart: One at Palazuelo (BA) on 18/03 (A. Davies and R. Miller). Four at Salvatierra de los Barros (BA) on 30/03 (F. Montaño).
Northern Wheatear: A female at La Aldea del Obispo (CC) on 02/03 (N. Renwick). One at Los Cerralbos, Trujillo (CC) on 08/03 (M. Kelsey). A male at Hinojal (CC) on 09/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios).
Black-eared Wheatear: A male at Trujillo (CC) on 11/03 (J. Muddeman). A male at Peraleda de la Mata (CC) on 15/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios). One at Alange (BA) on 18/03 (M. Gálvez and J. Guerra).
Savi's Warbler: One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 13/03 (M. Kelsey) and on 14/03 (C. Clemente and S. Mayordomo). One on River Guadiloba, Cáceres, on 17/03 and two in Plasencia (CC) on 18/03 (J. L. Bautista).
-Sedge Warbler: Four at Soto gravbel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 18/03 (J. Guerra) and on 27/03 (M. Gálvez), two there on 28/03 (V. de Alba, F. Lopo, F. Montaño, A. Núñez and J. Solana) and three on 31/03 (C. Camacho, M. Gálvez and M. Kelsey). One at Viñuelas gravel pits, Galisteo (CC) on 19/03 (S. Mayordomo). UOne at River Gargáligas between Obando and Acederas (BA) (W. Haworth -photo-) and two at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 23/03 (J. Prieta).
Reed Warbler: Two at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 13/03 (M. Gálvez). One trapped for ringing at Budión, Rena (BA), on 15/03 (GIA-Extremadura). Two on River Gargáligas between Obando and Acedera (BA) on 21/03 (William Haworth).
-Spectacled Warbler: A male between Trujillo and Santa Marta de Magasca (CC) on 07/03 (J. Nolan -photo- and G. Schreur). Earliest ever arrival date. A male in Monfragüe (CC) on 05/04 (S. Mayordomo).
Subalpine Warbler: One at Plasencia (CC) on 10/03 (R. Montero). One in Monfragüe (CC) (M. Kelsey) and two at Miravete Pass (CC) on 11/03 (J. Nolan and G. Schreur).
Iberian chiffchaff: Three at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 15/03, one on 20/03 and another on 24/03 (D. Langlois). Two on Navacebreda trail, Plasencia (CC), on 20/03 (S. Mayordomo). Two at River Gargáligas, Vegas Altas (BA) on 26/03 (M. Kelsey). One at Soto gravel pits, Valverde de Mérida (BA), on 27/03 (M. Gálvez).
Willow Warbler: One at Plasencia (CC) (S. Mayordomo) and another at Valverde de Mérida (BA) on 13/03 (M. Gálvez). One at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios).
Eurasian Golden Oriole: Two at Alange (BA) on 29/03 (E. Amengual and M. Gálvez). A male at La Lapa (BA) on 30/03 (F. Montaño).
Woodchat Shrike: One at Acehúche (CC) on 09/03 (Manuela Rodríguez). One at La Albuera (BA) on 10/03 (A. Cama, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and M. Pauly). One at Santa Marta de Magasca (CC) on 11/03 (J. Muddeman).
Stock Dove: Five at La Albuera (BA) on 09/03 (F. Montaño) and six on 10/03 (A. Cama, M. Gálvez, J. Guerra and M. Pauly). Two at Riolobos (CC) on 10/03 (S. Mayordomo).
Pied Wagtail: A male at El Batán rice fields (CC) on 10/03 (S. Mayordomo y J. Prieta). A male at Galisteo lagoon (CC) on 26/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Redwing: Uno en Pago de San Clemente (CC) el 12/03 (M. Kelsey).
Siskin: Two in pines at Piornal (CC) on 17/03 (J. Prieta). Eight at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 20/03 (D. Langlois).
Bullfinch: A male at Villanueva de la Vera (CC) on 15/03 (D. Langlois). A pair at Ojaranzo, Monfragüe (CC), on 18/03 (J. L. Bautista). One at Llera (BA) on 30/03 (V. de Alba and A. Núñez -photo-).
Reed Bunting: Five at Arrocampo reservoir (CC) on 10/03 (J. Muddeman). Two females at Valdefuentes, Galisteo (CC), 16/03 (J. Prieta).