(Santiago Villa / Spainbirds Nature Tours).
A list of the most notable January 2012 records sent to the GOCE birdwatching forum. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo. The Vegas Altas Censusing Team (ECVA in Spanish initials) is made up by: Luis Lozano, Juan Pablo Prieto, Fernando Yuste, Ángel Sánchez, Ángel Luis Sánchez, Atanasio Fernández, Benigno Cienfuegos, Domingo Rivera, Javier Caldera, Javier Prieta, Manuel Gómez Calzado, Marcelino Cardalliaguet and Sergio Mayordomo.
- Barnacle Goose: One bird at La Trebolosa, Madrigalejo (Cáceres), on 14/01 (Javier Mahillo and César Clemente). On 18/01 one bird was seen at Madrigalejo (Cáceres) (Domingo Rivera, Benigno Cienfuegos and Ángel Luis Sánchez). Two birds at Moheda Alta during January (Luis Lozano and Manuel Gómez Calzado).
- Egyptian Goose: At Charca de Corral Alto, Zorita (Cáceres): 13 birds on 14/01 (Jesús Porras) and six on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, Pilar Goñi, Pepe Guisado and C. Clemente). One bird at Ruecas Reservoir, Logrosán (Cáceres), on 14/01 (J. Mahillo and C. Clemente). Three birds at La Serena Reservoir (Badajoz) on 18/01 (Xurxo Piñeiro). Nine birds at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) on 24/01 (Pedro Gómez).
- Shelduck: Two birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 5/01 (Elvira del Viejo and Antonia Cangas)and three on 21/01 (Emilio Costillo). Three birds at Brovales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 10/01 and 14/01 (Francisco Montaño). At Valdecañas Reservoir (Cáceres): five birds on 13/01 (Javier Prieta) and four on 24/01 (Ángel Sánchez). At Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres), 32 birds on 14/01 (S. Mayordomo, Marcelino Cardalliaguet, J. Prieta, J. Mahillo, Eva Palacios and C. Clemente) and on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente). One bird at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 18/01 (S. Mayordomo and J. Prieta). Two birds at Cubilar Reservoir (Cáceres) on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente).

- Gadwall: 2620 birds on 14/01 at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and E. Palacios).
- Mallard: 7525 birds on 14/01 at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and E. Palacios). Leucistic birds: One at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/01 (S. Mayordomo and M. Gómez) and another at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente).
- Shoveler: 17,900 birds on 14/01 at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and E. Palacios).
- Pintail: 13,250 birds on 14/01 at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and E. Palacios).
- Teal: 15,700 birds on 14/01 at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and E. Palacios).
- Red-Crested Porchard: Two birds at Llerena-Arroyoconejos Reservoir (Badajoz) on 14/01 (Gustavo Gahete). At Balsa de Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz): one female on 14/01 (S. Mayordomo and M. Cardalliaguet) and two drakes and one female on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente). Eleven birds at Madrigalejo (Cáceres) on 18/01 (D. Rivera, B. Cienfuegos and Á. L. Sánchez). One pair at Morantes Reservoir, Badajoz (Badajoz), on 21/01 (José Luis Bautista).
- Pochard: 104 birds at Manantío-Atalaya gravel pit, Cáceres (Cáceres), on 12/01 (A. Gil). 180 birds at Orellana Reservoir (Badajoz) on 18/01 (D. Rivera, B. Cienfuegos and Á. L. Sánchez).
- Tufted Duck: 41 birds at Horno Tejero Reservoir, Cordobilla de Lácara (Badajoz), on 12/01 (Alberto Gil). 46 birds at Charca de Brozas (Cáceres) on 15/01 (Carlos Fernández). 27 birds at Charca de Corral Alto, Zorita (Cáceres), on 13/01 (J. Porras) and on 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente).
- Ferruginous Duck: Four birds at Manantío-Atalaya gravel pit, Cáceres on 12/01 (A. Gil). Two birds at Villalba de los Barros Reservoir (Badajoz) on 17/01 (Lorenzo Alcántara).
- Quail: One bird at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 22/01 (J. Prieta).
- Great Crested Grebe: 665 birds at Alange Reservoir (Badajoz) on 15/01 (L. Alcántara and Jesús Solana). 504 birds at La Serena Reservoir (Badajoz) on 18/01 (X. Piñeiro).
- Black-Necked Grebe: Five birds at Sierra Brava Reservoir (Cáceres) on 10/01 and 51 at Orellana Reservoir on 11/01 (Á. L. Sánchez). Two birds at Charca de Brozas (Cáceres) on 15/01 (C. Fernández). Nine birds at La Serena Reservoir on 18/01 (X. Piñeiro). One bird at Charca de Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 24/01 (Martin Kelsey).
- Glossy Ibis: One bird at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 18/01 (Fernando Yuste). One bird at La Garrovilla gravel pit (Badajoz) on 19/01 (Antonio Horrillo) and possibly the same bird on 21/01 at Montijo Reservoir, Mérida (Badajoz) (J. Solana). Three birds at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 24/01 (M. Kelsey).

- Little Bittern: Two birds at River Guadiana, Badajoz, on 17/01 (J. C. Paniagua). At Arrocampo Reservoir: one bird 25/01 (S. Mayordomo) and on 28/01 (Unai Fuente). Two birds at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 22/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Night Heron: One bird at Alange Reservoir (Badajoz) on 14/01 (L. Alcántara and J. Solana). At River Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz), six birds were seen on 21/01 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas) and then 15 birds in four roosts (J. Solana).
- Squacco Heron: At Arrocampo Reservoir: two birds on 10/01 (S. Mayordomo) and 21/01 (Vicente Risco, J. Julián and Javier Briz). One bird at Brovales Reservoir on 14/01 (F. Montaño). One bird at Logrosán ricefields (Cáceres) on 18/01 (M. Gómez Calzado).
- White Stork: About 1000 birds at Laguna del Palancoso, Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres), on 15/01 (V. Risco and J. Briz). 1.071 birds at Riolobos ricefields (Cáceres) on 17/01 (J. Prieta).
- Black Stork: One bird at La Zarza (Badajoz) on 10/01 and another at Cornalvo Reservoir (Badajoz) on 12/01 (J. Solana). Three birds at Charca del Sevillano, Puebla de Alcocer (Badajoz), on 13/01 (Juan Antonio Barquero). On 14/01 one bird at Charca de La Isla, Logrosán (Cáceres) (J. Mahillo and C. Clemente) and another at Cornalvo Reservoir (Badajoz) (J. Solana). Two birds at Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz) on 18/01 (M. Gómez Calzado). One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 30/01 (Rafael Abuín).
- Osprey: Five birds at Alqueva Reservoir (Badajoz) on 11/01 (Á. Sánchez). One
bird at Cubilar Reservoir (Cáceres) on 14/01 (J. Mahillo and C. Clemente) and 29/01 (S. Mayordomo, P. Goñi, P. Guisado and C. Clemente). One bird at Dehesa Nueva, Saucedilla (Cáceres), on 15/01 (V. Risco and J. Briz). One bird at Torrejoncillo Reservoir, Pedroso de Acim (Cáceres), on 20/01 (A. Pacheco). One bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 21/01 (J. Julián). One bird at Llerena Reservoir (Badajoz) on 22/01 (V. de Alba and A. Núñez). One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 29/01 (José Antonio Molina).
- Red Kite: Roost with 400 birds at Monesterio (Badajoz) on 8/01 (A. Pacheco).
- Egyptian Vulture: Two birds at Portaje (Cáceres) on 28/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Imperial Eagle: One bird calling at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 28/01; first sighting in the area in ten years (D. Langlois).
- Long-Legged Buzzard: One bird, probably a juvenile light phase, at Almonte River, Santiago del Campo (Cáceres), on 15/01 (Juan José Ramos Encalado).
- Goshawk: One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 26/01 (A. Pacheco) and on 31/01 (J. Prieta).
- Little Bustard: Flock of 700 birds at La Serena (Badajoz) on 29/01 (Santiago Villa).

- Purple Swamphen: One bird at Miajadas (Cáceres) on 18/01 (Javier Caldera and Á. Sánchez).
- Black-Winged Stilt: 1642 birds at Vegas Altas ricefields (Badajoz) on 18/01 (ECVA)
- Avocet: One bird throughout January at Galisteo lake-ricefield (Cáceres) (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta). 37 birds at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 14/01 (S. Mayordomo, J. Mahillo, E. Palacios and C. Clemente). 89 birds at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 18/01 (M. Cardalliaguet and Juan Pablo Prieto).
- Grey Plover: One bird at Brozas Reservoir (Cáceres) on 15/01 (C. Fernández).
- Kentish Plover: Ten birds at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 14/01 (S. Mayordomo, J. Mahillo, E. Palacio and C. Clemente). 34 birds counted in the area of Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 18/01 (ECVA). One bird at Alqueva Reservoir, Olivenza (Badajoz), on 21/01 (S. Mayordomo and CTO pupils). 75 birds at Valdecañas Reservoir (Cáceres) on 24/01 (Á. Sánchez). Several birds at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 26/01 (F. Yuste).
- Curlew: Four birds at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 2/01 (F. Yuste). Eight birds at Hernán Cortés (Badajoz) on 10/01 (J. P. Prieto). Two birds at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 18/01 (M. Cardalliaguet and J. P. Prieto). One bird at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 28/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Black-Tailed Godwit: Over 3000 birds at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 6/01 (F. Yuste). 7369 birds counted on ricefields in the area of Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Jack Snipe: One bird at Cañaveral Reservoir (Cáceres) on 11/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Woodcock: One bird at Valle del Viar, Montemolín-Monesterio (Badajoz), on 8/01 (A. Pacheco).
- Redshank: 133 birds counted in the area of Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Spotted Redshank: At Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres): four birds on 2/01 and one on 27/01 (S. Mayordomo). On 13/01 13 birds were seen at Valdecañas Reservoir (Cáceres) (J. Prieta) and one at la Charca Grande de Esparragalejo (Badajoz) (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas). At Vegas Altas (Badajoz) 41 birds were counted on 18/01 (ECVA). Three birds at Charca del Ejido, Villa del Rey (Cáceres), on 23/01 and one bird at Membrío Reservoir (Cáceres) on 25/01 (Helios Dalmau).
- Greenshank: 107 birds in the area of Vegas Altas on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Wood Sandpiper: 2 birds at Zurbarán ricefields (Badajoz) on 18/01 (L. Lozano).
- Ruff: 631 birds in the area of Vegas Altas on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Dunlin: Over 1000 birds at Santa Amalia (Badajoz) on 6/01 (F. Yuste). 3878 birds in the area of Vegas Altas on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Little Stint: 178 birds in the area of Vegas Altas on 18/01 (ECVA).
- Temminck's Stint: One bird at Alqueva Reservoir, Olivenza (Badajoz), on 20/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Black-Headed Gull: 2000 birds at Alange Reservoir (Badajoz) on 15/01 (L. Alcántara and J. Solana).
- Mediterranean Gull: 3 birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 21/01 (Joaquín Fernández and Ángel Sánchez).
- Yellow-Legged Gull: One adult at Valdecañas Reservoir (Cáceres) on 3/01 (S. Mayordomo) and two on 13/01 (J. Prieta). One third-winter bird at Alqueva Reservoir (Badajoz) on 20/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Lesser Black-Backed Gull: 453 birds at Valdecañas Reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/01 (J. Prieta), 4500 at Alange Reservoir (Badajoz) on 15/01 (L. Alcántara and J. Solana) and 915 birds at Laguna Grande de La Albuera (Badajoz) on 21/01 (S. Mayordomo).

- Short-Eared Owl: Ten birds at Hernán Cortés (Badajoz) on 25/01 (Ricardo Montero). One bird at Santa Amalia (Badajoz) on 29/01 (Á. Sánchez).
- Pallid Swift: Seven birds at Alange (Badajoz) on 10/01 (J. Solana).
- Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker: Sighting in a built-up area: one pair in the city park called Parque del Príncipe, Cáceres (Cáceres), on 8/01 (Juan José Bote).
- Chough: Two birds at Albuera mine, Montemolín (Badajoz), on 8/01 (A. Pacheco).
- Carrion Crow: Six birds at Santa Cruz de Paniagua (Cáceres) on 6/01 (S. Mayordomo).
- Wheatear: One bird at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 12/01 (Merilyn Jewitt and Colin Jewitt).
- Alpine Accentor: Eight birds at the castle of Benquerencia de la Serena (Badajoz) on 28/01 (S. Villa). One bird at Montánchez castle (Cáceres) on 31/01 (M. Kelsey).
- Waxbill: 30 birds in the olive groves/broom scrub of Montehermoso (Cáceres) on 21/01 (J. Mahillo).
- White Wagtail: Subspecies M. a. yarrellii: One bird at El Gordo (Cáceres) on 3/01 (S. Mayordomo). One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 5/01 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas). On 8/01, one bird at Avarientos gravel pit, another at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), (S. Mayordomo), and another at Montijo Reservoir (Badajoz) (F. Montaño). Five birds seen in a roost at Valdefuentes gravel pit on 22/01 and three birds in a recently ploughed field at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 27/01 (S. Mayordomo). During January the bird already recorded in December continued in Plasencia (E. Palacios).
- Bullfinch: Few wintering birds in La Vera this year (D. Langlois). At Santa Cruz de Paniagua (Cáceres): eight birds on 1/01 (Juan Carlos Paniagua) and two on 6/01 (S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Valle del Viar, Montemolín-Monesterio (Badajoz), on 8/01 (A. Pacheco). In Monfragüe (Cáceres): one bird at Corchuelas on 11/01 and two at Huerto del Ojaranzo on 23/01 (S. Mayordomo). Several birds at three sites in La Codosera (Badajoz) on 22/01 (G. Schreur).
- Great Spotted Cuckoo: One bird at La Roca de la Sierra (Badajoz) on 21/12/2011 (Manolo Iglesias). Two birds at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 30/01 (M. Kelsey).
- House Martin: Three birds flocking with Crag Martins at La Zarza (Badajoz) on 10/01 (J. Solana). Two birds at La Codosera (Badajoz) on 19/01 (Godfried Schreur). On 28/01 several birds at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) (J. Briz). At Monfragüe (Cáceres): one bird on 28/01 (Á. Sánchez) and 40 on 31/01 (J. Prieta).
- Swallow: One bird at Talayuela (Cáceres) on 15/01 (V. Risco and J. Briz). On 22/01, several birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) (E. Costillo) and one at Pago de San Clemente (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey).