A list of the most notable March 2012 records sent to the GOCE birdwatching forum. Compiled by Sergio Mayordomo.
- Shelduck: At Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz), nine birds on 26/03 (Francisco Montaño) and eight on 27/03 (Ismael Sánchez, Francisco Lopo, Elvira del Viejo, Cándida Díaz and Antonia Cangas).
- Ruddy Shelduck: At Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), one bird on 14/03 (Sergio Mayordomo, Marta Gómez and Javier Prieta) and 17/03 (S. Mayordomo and Eva Palacios).
- Red Crested Pochard: At El Manantío-Atalaya (Cáceres), seven birds, 5 drakes and 2 ducks, on 04/03 (Jesús Solana) and three pairs on 09/03 (Sebastián Molano). At Morantes Reservoir (Badajoz), nine birds on 17/03 (Pablo Herrador and José Luis Bautista) and two pairs on 30/03 (J. L. Bautista and Inmaculada Jerez). Six birds, 4 drakes and 2 ducks, at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 23/03 (E. del Viejo and A. Cangas).
- Tufted Duck: 30 birds at El Manantío-Atalaya (Cáceres) on 04/03 (J. Solana).
- Ferruginous Duck: At El Manantío-Atalaya (Cáceres), four birds on 01/03 (Manolo Iglesias) and on 09/03 (S. Molano).
- Black-Necked Grebe: 45 birds, some moulting into summer plumage, at Orellana Reservoir (Badajoz) on 05/03 (Ángel Luis Sánchez).
- Glossy Ibis: Two birds at Azud del Guadiana (Badajoz) on 03/03 (Juan Carlos Paniagua). One bird at Río Salor (Cáceres) on 12/03 (Juan Carlos Núñez). At Montijo Reservoir, Mérida (Badajoz), 12 birds on 15/03 (Fernando Yuste), 11 on 17/03 (Ángel Sánchez), 12 on 28/03 and 11 on 31/03 (J. Solana). At Arrocampo (Cáceres) three birds on 22/03 (Martin Kelsey) and six birds, one of them ringed at Doñana, on 24/03 (Godfried Schreur and Debby Doodeman) and 27/03 (Mary Perrins and Chris Perrins).
- Spoonbill: At Morantes Reservoir (Badajoz), 45 birds on 17/03 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista) and 40 on 30/03 (J. L. Bautista and I. Jerez). 47 birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 30/03 (J. L. Bautista and I. Jerez).
- Bittern: One bird at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 04/03, 05/03 (Hugo Sánchez) and 12/03 (S. Mayordomo). At Arrocampo (Cáceres), one bird on 05/03 (Á. Sánchez), 08/03 (Sammy Langlois, Manolo García del Rey, Isabel Gallardo and Dave Langlois) and 14/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta).
- Squacco Heron: One bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 05/03 (Chema Diu and Á. Sánchez), 14/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta) and 23/03 (S. Langlois, M. García del Rey, Javier Briz and D. Langlois). One bird at Río Búrdalo, Santa Amalia (Badajoz), on 17/03 (F. Yuste).
- Great White Egret: 25 birds roosting at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 05/03 (Á. Sánchez). Sum. plum. birds: one at Orellana Reservoir (Badajoz) on 13/03 (Á. Sánchez), another at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 23/03 (S. Langlois, M. García del Rey, J. Briz and D. Langlois) and 31/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios), and another at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 28/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Osprey: One bird at Montijo Reservoir, Mérida (Badajoz), on 11/03 (J. L. Bautista). At Monfragüe (Cáceres), one bird at Torrejón-Tiétar Reservoir on 14/03 (G. Schreur), 17/03 (Mercedes Rodríguez and José Carlos López), 24/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios) and 29/03 (J. Prieta); and at Salto del Gitano on 24/03 (S. Mayordomo and Rafael Abuín). One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 17/03 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista), 26/03 (F. Montaño) and 30/03 (J. L. Bautista and I. Jerez). One bird at Zorita (Cáceres) on 20/03 (M. Kelsey). At Arrocampo (Cáceres), one bird on 22/03 (Leandro Rivas and Antolín Redondo) and 23/03 (J. Briz). Two birds at Gabriel and Galán Reservoir (Cáceres) on 26/03 (Alberto Pacheco). One bird at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 27/03 (John Hawkins).

- Pallid Harrier: One adult male at La Roca de la Sierra (Badajoz) on 26/03 (José María Casas and Joaquín Mazón). Second Extremadura record.
- Avocet: Four birds at Orellana Reservoir (Badajoz) on 05/03 (Á. L. Sánchez). Two birds at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 12/03 (G. Schreur). One bird at Paredón Reservoir, Campanario (Badajoz), on 14/03 (Juan Pablo Prieto and José Luis Pérez Chiscano). One bird at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Grey Plover: One bird at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 07/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Kentish Plover: Six birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 26/03 (F. Montaño). Three birds at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 28/03 (S. Mayordomo). One bird at Paredón Reservoir, Campanario (Badajoz), on 29/03 (J. P. Prieto).
- Curlew: One bird at Santa Amalia (Badajoz) on 01/03 (J. P. Prieto). One bird at Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 12/03 (S. Mayordomo). At Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz), three birds on 26/03 (F. Montaño) and 27/03 (I. Sánchez, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo, C. Díaz and A. Cangas).
- Whimbrel: Two birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 12/03 (F. Montaño, José Antonio Delgado and Joaquín Vázquez).
- Bar-Tailed Godwit: Two birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 12/03 (F. Montaño, J. A. Delgado and J. Vázquez).
- Great Snipe: One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 12/03 (F. Montaño, J. A. Delgado and J. Vázquez). Second Extremadura record.
- Spotted Redshank: Two birds at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 12/03 (G. Schreur). At Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz), two birds on 17/03 (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista) and one on 27/03 (I. Sánchez, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo, C. Díaz and A. Cangas). Two birds at Tozo Reservoir, Torrecillas de la Tiesa (Cáceres), on 23/03 (M. Kelsey). One bird at Paredón Reservoir, Campanario (Badajoz), on 29/03 (J. P. Prieto).
- Wood Sandpiper: At Paredón Reservoir, Campanario (Badajoz), one bird on 09/03 (S. Mayordomo and J. P. Prieto), 14/03 (J. P. Prieto and J. L. Pérez Chiscano) and 29/03 (J. P. Prieto). One bird at Talaván Reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo). At Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), two birds on 18/03 (S. Langlois, José Antonio López and D. Langlois) and 24/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey and E. Palacios) and four birds on 30/03 (S. Mayordomo). Present at Charca de Esparragalejo (Badajoz) on 24/03 (Á. Sánchez). One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 26/03 (F. Montaño). One bird at Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 28/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Temminck's Stint: At Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz), two birds on 12/03 (F. Montaño, J. A. Delgado and J. Vázquez) and three on 26/03 (F. Montaño).
- Mediterranean Gull: One adult at Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), on 10/03 (Pablo de la Nava and José Carlos López).
- Yellow-Legged Gull: Eight birds at Montijo Reservoir, Mérida (Badajoz), on 17/03 (Á. Sánchez).
- Long Eared Owl: One bird on its nest at Saucedilla (Cáceres) on 10/03 (P. de la Nava and J. C. López).
- Short-Eared Owl: 35 birds roosting at Hernán Cortés, Don Benito (Badajoz), on 02/03 (Á. Sánchez), only 3 remaining on 11/03 (F. Yuste). Two birds near Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 27/03 (I. Sánchez, F. Lopo and C. Díaz).
- Tawny Owl: One ground-nesting pair discovered at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) on 30/03 (A. Pacheco).

- Carrion Crow: 42 birds at Riomalo de Abajo (Cáceres) on 21/03 (A. Pacheco). Biggest flock recorded in Extremadura.
- Bearded Tit: At Arrocampo (Cáceres), one bird on 04/03 (S. Langlois, M. Kelsey, J. Porras and D. Langlois) and 08/03 (S. Langlois, M. García del Rey, I. Gallardo and D. Langlois).
- Ring Ouzel: One bird at Montánchez (Cáceres) on 31/03 (I. Sánchez; photograph) and previous days (J. M. Benítez).
- Garganey: One drake on 06/03 at Charca del Embarcadero, Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) (J. Prieta). At Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), one drake on 10/03 (Pablo de la Nava, José Carlos López), three drakes on 17/03 (S. Mayordomo and E. Palacios) and on 18/03 (S. Langlois, J. A. López and D. Langlois), and two drakes on 24/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. García del Rey and E. Palacios) and 30/03 (S. Mayordomo). At Arrocampo (Cáceres), four birds on 13/03 (Vicente Risco, M. García del Rey and J. Briz), one drake on 14/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta) and one bird on 20/03 (L. Rivas). One bird at Ahigal Reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/03 (A. Pacheco).
- Quail: One male singing at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 02/03 and another on 01/04 (J. Prieta).
- Purple Heron: One bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 05/03 (Á. Sánchez). One bird at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 12/03 (S. Mayordomo). One bird at Mérida on 17/03 (Lorenzo Alcántara). One bird at Torrejón-Tiétar Reservoir, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 29/03 (J. Prieta).
- Booted Eagle: Several birds at Orellana (Badajoz) on 13/03 (Miguel Ángel Romo, Manuel Gómez Calzado, Luis Lozano, Domingo Ribera and Ángel Sánchez). On 16/03, one bird at Aldea del Cano (Cáceres) and another near Salor Reservoir, Cáceres (G. Schreur). On 17/03, one bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) (S. Mayordomo, M. Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Salgado, J. C. López and E. Palacios) and another at Campo Arañuelo (Cáceres) (J. Briz).
- Montagu's Harrier: One pair at Brozas (Cáceres) on 06/03 (Helios Dalmau). One bird at Valdesalor, Cáceres, on 12/03 (Carlos Fernández). On 17/03, one bird between Montijo and la Roca de la Sierra (Badajoz) (P. Herrador and J. L. Bautista) and two at Llerena (Badajoz) (Vanessa de Alba and Antonio Núñez).
- Hobby: One bird at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 24/03 (D. Langlois). One bird at Toril (Cáceres) on 08/04 (H. Sánchez).
- Collared Pratincole: One bird at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 26/03 (F. Montaño), eight at Puebla de la Calzada (Badajoz) on 28/03 (F. Lopo) and one at Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz) on 06/04 (M. Kelsey).
- Whiskered Tern: One bird from the Roman Bridge at Mérida (Badajoz) on 15/03 (J. Solana) and 20/03 (Á. Sánchez). Two birds at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) on 27/03 (I. Sánchez, F. Lopo, E. del Viejo, C. Díaz and A. Cangas).
- Turtle Dove: Two birds at Valdesalor, Cáceres, on 07/03 (C. Fernández).
- Scop's Owl: One bird at Collado de la Vera (Cáceres) on 10/03 (José María Cano). One bird at Plasencia (Cáceres) on 12/03 (J. Prieta).
- Pallid Swift: On 01/03: four birds at Montehermoso (Cáceres) (J. Mahillo), 25 at Plasencia (J. Prieta), 40 at Mérida (Badajoz) (Á. Sánchez) and several at Badajoz (Juan Carlos Paniagua). 53 birds at Alange (Badajoz) on 02/03. Twenty birds at Trujillo (Cáceres) on 03/03 (M. Kelsey, Jesús Porras and G. Schreur). Five at Almendralejo on 05/03 (L. Alcántara). 35 at Piornal (Cáceres) on 06/04 (J. Prieta).
- Alpine Swift: Several birds at Mérida (Badajoz) on 08/03 (E. del Viejo), five at Plasencia on 09/03 (J. Prieta) and ten at Mérida (Badajoz) on 12/03 (Á. Sánchez).
- Cuckoo: One bird at Alcuéscar (Cáceres) on 06/03 (S. Molano). One bird at Serrejón (Cáceres) on 11/03 (M. García del Rey, I. Gallardo and Emilio Pérez-Balsalobre). One bird at Trujillo (Cáceres) on 13/03 (G. Schreur).
- Roller: At Cáceres, one bird on 29/03 (M. Perrins and C. Perrins), 02/04 (J. C. López) and on 04/04 (R. Montero and Roger Sutton).
- Bee-eater: Several birds at Montánchez (Cáceres) on 14/03 (C. Fernández), at Mérida (Badajoz) on 27/03 (Á. Sánchez) and on 28/03 at Serrejón (Cáceres) (M. García del Rey) and at Los Canchales Reservoir (Badajoz) (E. del Viejo).
- Woodchat Shrike: At Cáceres, one bird on 03/03 (J. Porrás and G. Schreur) and 11/03 (G. Schreur). One bird at Hinojosa del Valle (Badajoz) on 11/03 (Vanessa de Alba and Antonio Núñez). One bird at Monroy (Cáceres) on 13/03 (G. Schreur).
- Red-Rumped Swallow: One bird at Torrejón El Rubio (Cáceres) on 01/03 (G. Schreur). One bird at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 04/03 (S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Montánchez (Cáceres) on 13/03 (M. Kelsey).
- Willow Warbler: One bird at Trujillo (Cáceres) on 13/03, another at Talaván Reservoir (Cáceres) on 15/03 and two at Los Barruecos, Malpartida de Cáceres (Cáceres), on 16/03 (G. Schreur). One bird at Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) on 21/03 (S. Mayordomo, J. Prieta and C. Clemente). One bird at Río Jerte at Plasencia (Cáceres) on 22/03 (S. Mayordomo). First bird at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 24/03 and huge falls on 27/03 and 30/03 (D. Langlois). One bird at Casas del Castañar (Cáceres) on 26/03 and 28/03 (J. Prieta).
- Iberian Chiffchaff: At Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres), one bird on 19/03 and 21/03 (D. Langlois). Three birds at Río Jerte at Plasencia (Cáceres) on 22/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Bonelli's Warbler: One bird at Salto del Gitano, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 25/03 (S. Mayordomo). Five males at Piornal (Cáceres) on 02/04 (J. Prieta).
- Savi's Warbler: One bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 08/03 (S. Langlois, M. García del Rey, I. Gallardo and D. Langlois) and 14/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta) and three on 17/03 (G. Schreur).
- Grasshopper Warbler: One bird at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 31/03 (D. Langlois).
- Reed Warbler: Several birds at Montijo Reservoir, Mérida (Badajoz), on 20/03 (Á. Sánchez) and one at Badajoz on 27/03 (J. C. Paniagua). One bird at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 31/03 (S. Mayordomo). Three at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 01/04 (J. Prieta).
- Orphean Warbler: One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 29/03 (J. Prieta) and another at Toril (Cáceres) on 04/04 (S. Mayordomo).
- Subalpine Warbler: One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 14/03 (G. Schreur) and abundant on 16/03 (J. Prieta). One bird at Mérida (Badajoz) on 18/03 (Jesús Sánchez, Á. L. Sánchez and Á. Sánchez).
- Spectacled Warbler: Two birds at Jaraicejo (Cáceres) on 24/03 (J. Hawkins). One male at Plasencia (Cáceres) on 29/03 (J. Prieta).
- Nightingale: One bird at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 23/03 and two on 24/03 (D. Langlois). One bird at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) on 27/03 (A. Pacheco). One bird at Casas del Castañar (Cáceres) on 28/03 (J. Prieta).
- Redstart: One male at Vegas de Coria (Cáceres) on 28/03 (A. Pacheco), at La Lapa (Badajoz) on 01/04 (F. Montaño) and at Santa Cruz de Paniagua (Cáceres) on 05/04 (J. C. Paniagua and C. Clemente).
- Black-Eared Wheatear: One male on 26/03 at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) (A. Pacheco). Another at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 28/03 (S. Mayordomo). On 29/03, one male at Monfragüe (Cáceres) (J. Prieta) and three at Campanario (Badajoz) (J. P. Prieto).
- Tawny Pipit: One bird at La Aldea del Obispo (Cáceres) on 30/03 (M. Kelsey).
- Yellow Wagtail: At Charca de Esparragalejo (Badajoz), one male of the subspecies M. f. iberiae on 24/03 (Á. Sánchez) and three males, two M. f. iberiae and one M. f. flavissima, on 31/03 (SEO-Badajoz). Three birds, two males M. f. iberiae and one female, at Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 28/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Crane: Four birds, two adults and two juveniles, at Los Canchales Reservoir on 28/03 (E. del Viejo).
- Skylark: Two birds at Trujillo (Cáceres) on 11/03 (G. Schreur) and five at Santiago del Campo (Cáceres) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Firecrest: One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 15/03 (G. Schreur).
- Goldcrest: Two birds at Puerto de Piornal (Cáceres) on 09/03 (G. Schreur).
- Alpine Accentor: Two birds at Castillo de Montánchez (Cáceres) on 13/03 (M. Kelsey).
- White Wagtail: Subspecies M. a. yarrellii: On 03/03 several birds at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres) (María Llorente and Álvaro Díaz) and one at Trujillo (Cáceres) (G. Schreur). One bird at Almendralejo (Badajoz) on 04/03 (L. Alcántara). One bird at Cáceres on 09/03 (M. Kelsey). One bird at Portaje Reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Bullfinch: Two birds at Villanueva de la Vera (Cáceres) on 05/03 (D. Langlois). One bird at Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 19/03 (M. Kelsey). One female at La Parra (Badajoz) on 21/03 (Pablo Amaya).
- Siskin: Over 20 birds at Puerto de Piornal (Cáceres) on 16/03 (J. Prieta). One male among Goldfinches at Plasencia (Cáceres) on 22/03 (S. Mayordomo).
- Reed Bunting: Two birds at Arrocampo (Cáceres) on 14/03 (S. Mayordomo, M. Gómez and J. Prieta). One bird at Talaván Reservoir on 15/03 (G. Schreur). One female at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 19/03 (S. Mayordomo).