The Ardeola text ran as follows:
"Count of the breeding population in La Serena Reservoir in 2011 with a total of 341 breeding pairs shared out in five colonies: the biggest lies in the province of Badajoz with 313 pairs; in the same province there are two more breeding clusters with 11 and 3 nesting pairs; one 13-nest colony was found in the Córdoba part and one isolated nest in the Ciudad Real part". This therefore makes a total of 341 total pairs, 327 in Badajoz, 13 in Córdoba and one in Ciudad Real (Xurxo Piñeiro)."
Piñeiro, X. 2011. Cormorán grande Phalacrocórax carbo (pag. 487). In, Molina, B., Prieta, J., Lorenzo, J. A. and López-Jurado, C. Noticiario Ornitológico. Ardeola 58(2):481-516.